Mike Morhaime Said WoW Became Anti-Social

Antisocial means ‘averse to the society of others’.

Averse means ‘having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.’

Antisocial, therefore, means ‘having a strong dislike to the society of others’.

Asocial is synonymous with antisocial. It’s literally a word that can be used in place of antisocial or vice versa.

However I will admit to the fact that there would likely be less arguing about the word if we used asocial instead as it tends to have less of a negative connotation associated with it. On that you are absolutely correct, as I see it.

I can be very asocial. I just prefer it as an introvert. Antisocial is often used for asocial, trust me you don’t want to be near people who are antisocial xD.

And I do enjoy engaging with others sometimes but I just enjoy the game most of the time by myself. I find myself getting anxious when making groups which is why I enjoy the group finders.


I completely understand. Generally anything using the preposition ‘anti-’ carries extremely negative meanings.

I dislike social interaction and, most of the time, go out of my way to avoid it, though I have less of an issue when there’s a computer screen between me and the other people. Asocial, antisocial, introverted… all of these words in essence mean exactly the same thing. In fact, they are all synonyms of each other. I chalk it up to English being an unnecessarily complicated language, haha.

I actually find myself feeling more anxious using the group finder than I do putting a group together the hard way. I don’t entirely understand why, to be honest.

Wow was never as social as many other MMO’s mainly because by the time of its arrival voice programs were already a thing. It also didn’t have near the interdependence that many of those early games did, but there was still enough to build communities and social groups.

As someone that has mainly always run social guilds I can say that the addition of things like LFR and LFG, especially once crossrealm was added, certainly made it much less natural to find members. We got most of ours through pug runs, whether that be 5 man content or raids. Those more or less dried up for a while, especially before flex/normal was a thing.

Obviously with all of these new systems you will interact with far more players, but they have no bearing or usefulness in long term play as you will never see them again nor care whether you do.

Well I find ways to reduce anxiety is to study up. Watch some videos before encounters happen. Practice rotations in solo play. LFR can be good practice depending on strangers to do stuff. I did do guild stuff before I guess when I was new I really was nervous until they brought me in to do dungeons initially when I was a noob but the group finder was so amazing to get groups so fast (compared to waiting a long time in trade chat to pug) I remember being excited to finally be able to tank in dungeons. Now the gear isn’t really worth pugging through the group finder sadly. And my anxiety leads me to wanting to get all my equipment through world quests before healing dungeons/tanking. Getting essences etc.

I personally wish we could que for mythic zeros with group finder : /.

Morhaime was an ineffective leader. He is clearly a nice man, but you can’t be everyone’s pal when you are in charge. You have to sometimes be tough about deadlines. You have to sometimes fire or demote people. Some of Blizzard’s biggest missteps happened on his watch. The Titan project. The disaster that was Diablo 3’s launch. WoD.

I know he is a minor deity to many, and I think he was a big part of Blizzard’s rise back in the day. But that doesn’t mean he was cut out to lead the company once it WAS a big company.

I don’t think he knows what he is talking about. WoW would be dead as a doornail if it had stayed focused on a more hardcore model. This is not 2007.

I play almost exclusively on role-playing servers, where community interaction and socializing is the primary goal. WoW has always been a social experience for me, and that hasn’t changed since the introduction of systems like LFR or LFG.

Now we have Communities as well, which anyone can join across servers. I don’t think WoW has become less social because of the conveniences, more likely it is a case of the community not being social in the first place.

Of course, I am no sociologist!


There is nothing to understand here because you are wrong, totally, completely. I already explained to you it isn’t the game but you keep on wanting to put it on the game, it is you personally.

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Lol the dismount got me laughing xD… ahh that made my morning.

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At the end of the day you are entitled to your incorrect opinion.

Good day.

People became more and more anti-social, the game simply evolved around that more and more. Funny how someone who was the CEO whom called the shots now complains that the shots that was being called was all wrong in the direction they was taking. If he honestly felt that way he could have easily just back tracked and undid their choices while he was still in charge. Because the changes to the game have been going on for years and years now. Its not something that only happen after he retired.


i don’t want to have to interact with other people.

this is why i liked mage tower so much. no need to rely on the competence of other people to do something.

Instant messaging was a thing way before wow lol I’ve played wow on and off for years and what killed interactions between players was dungeon finder or lfr it was 1000 percent cross realm where before you had to make friends and maintain some kind of community standing within your realm to be able to do any of the harder content now you can anonymously spam and do it all with randoms Wich to an extent is ok but it’s definitely at the cost of player interactions the question is it a better or worse game because of it and that’s debatable the convenience is definitely a plus now that they’ve added thousands of hours of pointless quests the endgame isn’t the end all be all and you got alot to do outside of raiding I think if people are wanting community interactions it’s still there to be found but alot of the random social encounters don’t exist anymore I think if they want to fix that they could make cross realm trade a thing cross realm guilds or just do away completely with the realms altogether.

Its a multi variable problem were as far as I know there are no statistics on correlations let alone causation.

Therefore any answer is going to be nothing but guesses.

I would like to opt out of your socialism. Phase me out NOW!

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Pretty much, they kept adding in features and making the game easier thus making it so it’s more of a chore to group with someone rather than just do it yourself. Everything is automated at this point

Holy necro, batman!

The players have changed. Look at the complaints about finding groups on Classic, which doesn’t have LFG/LFR.

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It’s only because they’ve become accustomed to the LFG/LFR systems, if they were never put in place it’d be easier to find groups

Maybe those who engaged in LFR. However, many of those who use it wouldn’t use regular raids anyway for all the various reasons they’ve given.

So it’s kind of a trick question.