Mike Morhaime Said WoW Became Anti-Social

You sound like a nice person. But many people are wired such that their energy is quickly drained by other people.

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Who cares?

I understand that and respect that. TBH, as I get older, I get drained by people if they are a bad fit for me, just as those that you describe. But I’d rather have the choice to engage or not then decide how I feel; if the sandbox is empty, there is no choice.

You can’t even understand the difference between anti and less, I am doubtful I am going to be able to make you understand the current game has the same systems as classic it just has options as well.

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You don’t understand how something becoming less social can, in turn, become more antisocial.

Less social == the opposite of more social == more antisocial

And, because English delights in shortening statements, it can be summed up by saying that compared to how the game used to be, it has become antisocial or, otherwise, the game has become antisocial.

The game isn’t antisocial. The game (as compared to how it was before under the context of the conversation in the interview) has become antisocial.

Context. Is. Important.

Less people are connecting despite the features that allow more people to connect.

An easy example are the server forums… in BC/Wrath (before cross-realm play was used), it would have people calling each other out or trying to figure out a time to have a wpvp battle to settle beef (No tauren pun intended…). Now it’s just guild recruitment with some complaining.

I hate to be one of those “back in my day” guys, but it’s pretty obvious that the community got larger by allowing cross-realm play and it lead to people connecting less. The easier it got to queue up for dungeons, raids, and pvp, the more people stopped connecting and interacting in their smaller communities.

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No it became anti social when they decided to create a dumpsterfire like cata for the “hardcore” player base as ghost crawler put it. Every single expansion has been more and more a push away from the height that was TBC-Wrath.
If they wanted to get 14mil subs they just need to roll back to wrath.
That’s where anyone could jump in and play with out the need for min-maxers elitists dominating everything.

I don’t agree with you about that. I don’t agree with you about having to travel to dungeons and find groups is incentive to socialization. I don’t agree with anything you have said.

Just because you claim something does not make it true.


But you have to communicate with the fishbowl headed people who queue up for it.

Just because you disagree with something doesn’t make it untrue.

Back in the day because there was a lot of travel time or a lot of downtime people talked (socialized) with each other in order to fill the gaps. That doesn’t happen any more. Now people rarely talk.

More action, less conversation. More action, less socialization. Less downtime, more antisocial. All three of these short statements mean the same thing given the context.

The downtime in Vanilla, and thereby Classic, never bothered me because it lead to conversations and friendships. You can disagree because, as you said, not everyone will share the same opinion or the same experience. There are people who don’t want downtime. There are people who don’t want to talk to other people. It’s almost like it’s a subjective opinion based on personal and/or professional experience. Kinda like most of the answers that Morhaime gave in his answers during the interview.

I don’t understand what’s hard about this to grasp?

The path of least resistance is dropping the game to play something else with less time commitment xD

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Antisocial is something bad. The game is not antisocial.

It is less social yes. But that is because there is more player agency, and less dependance on others for activities. I am grateful for it, it made the game more solo friendly after all my friends left.


He’d be the one to know.

As I’ve said, the game is not antisocial. Compared to how it used to be it is fair to say that the game has become (more) antisocial. The context behind the statement “the game has become antisocial” is important, the context being “compared to how it used to be”.

My queen!!! Well said! kneels

You are using the word wrong. And might get the wrong message across.

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We’re not talking about APD.


: averse to the society of others (See also: Unsociable)

part of the problem i’m seeing is y’all are only gearing through world quest / BG’s with no amount of heroic raiding.

go for the raiding side of the game and it will make you be more social. Or go all out with it and quit your job to take on mythic raiding.

It’s not the games fault you don’t need help with your world quest.

I have never had a desire to be social in Wow, even at release. Blizzard just let way too much bad behavior thrive in their games for whatever reason.

I have always found the average player too self centered, immature and abrasive for my tastes. Even doing Scholomance, Stratholm, Black rock depths, I cannot remember one decent conversation (pugs mind you not friends).

I can remember many cool discussions in pugs in other mmos, but definitely not Wow. The only time people speak, its to complain about some mechanic someone missed. Usually followed with idiot, moron, etc etc.

A better word would be Asocial. Since anti means against. Asocial A as a prefix refers to without.