Mi'kai, As Argus, the Unmaker's Death Fog extends too far off stage

When someone is fighting Mi’kai (as Argus) in the Star Lake Amphitheater in Ardenweald, the Death Fog effect is extending way too far off the stage and can unwittingly hit players that are just trying to do the world quest in the area.


This is me…right now. :frowning:

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Oh god yes. It’s insane.

Not only that, half of the time it’s invisible and the only way you know it’s killing you is… well, you die.

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I came to the forums to report this as well. I was doing the Quest “Tough Crowd” when suddenly my health dropped like a sack of rocks into a river. I was in the 2nd tier “seating” area from the stage, so not even close to where the fight was, and the debuff extended to south/west entrance to the theater, where I ended up dying. There were No ground visible effects, and only a screen frame blur + Debuff icon to show that “something” funky was happening.
Given that this Ability extends out as a cone, I am wondering just how BIG an area was effected at that distance, and just how far out it was extended. I really hope this gets fixed, it was definitely not a fun experience!


Wow! Yup this is so me. I had done a world quest in that area yesterday. Logged in just now only to be killed by Death Fog. Had no chance to escape it.

I’ve died from it twice and the first time I was much farther from the stage than the onstage image would suggest the impact extends. It’s also possible I just happened to pick the wrong angle, but it seems like it extends much wider as well.

I was there this time for the covenant quest, so the ‘security’ wouldn’t even let me on stage where I could have gotten out of it easily enough, so I was pretty annoyed…

The range on this is nuts. I was hit when I entered the grove and was completely lost on what was damaging me.

This still hasn’t been fixed.
I was sitting on the Queen’s throne for giggles while I was working at my remote PC at work and got hit by the debuff. And of course there was no visible cloud/fog or something.

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You know what would be cool? Not dying while I’m supposed to be sneaking behind a fake tree for a covenant quest because of a boss fight I’m not even in. That would be cool.

I fell victim to this today while doing the world quest in the same area. And I was lagged. Came back. Dead. It was not cute. Halp, Blizz?!

Yep, even an issue when he isn’t even active anymore!

Same, I have died 3 times just doing a world quest, or even just going to the top of the theatre to open the fairy chest. Yes it extends all the way up there for no reason

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First posted a month ago; still not fixed, working as intended? Trying to eat my dang breakfast and enjoy a coffee while reading quest text only to die to some bs far off, come on…

Last post 21 days ago.

Literally just got killed by it, while fighting a boggart almost in the last row of the theater.

Please adjust it. The rare’s abilities should not extend off the stage.

Yeah, I just died to this :point_up_2:

My bf just died to this too… How is this still a bug?

Still happening … Just died to it. Had no idea where it even came from until I saw this.