Might want to rethink how So Tricky in the rogue Trickster tree works

I noticed a few things when trying this out today.

  1. Once you tricks a party or raid member and have the hour long buff, the redirect works even if they are mounted and they are hovering a bit over the ground. Enemies that are already flying will fly up to them in the air.
  2. When you have the hour long buff, the tricks STILL works when you leave the party or raid. I tacked down a guildie that helped kill a rare and then sent several spider guys to them while they went to grab food and were not grouped. I also tried this with someone who left party and logged out for 15 minutes and it still redirected threat to them when they came back on.
  3. You can change out of Trickster to Fatebound and you keep the buff. This could be exploited in dungeons perhaps?
  4. You can switch to assassination which doesn’t even have access to the trickster tree and it STILL redirects threat to that party member that left the group.
    At least if I log out, the buff still stays there but no longer redirects threat.