Might Ox Kick gone?

Why? It’s such a niche ability, why remove it?

It’s hilarious in pvp when it actually works :-/


I think it probably wasn’t very widely used.

I enjoyed it thoroughly. They fly up so slowly it’s kinda comical

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Whatever the reason it’s not a good enough reason. It’s actually a bad idea.

Yeah, that’s not a good enough reason. They needlessly remove because few people were using it. That’s like a bad idea. Most acceptable reason would be because they are going to fix its bugs… but that would still not make sense.


This is a poor reason to remove an ability. And if true, then Blizz is being inconsistent and playing favorites because Predestination, Perpetual Paralysis, and Wind Waker still exist.

Mighty Ox Kick was sure as hell a fun ability to meme with though. I’ll miss it too.


Don’t worry, it got replaced with a WDP knock up that knocks people 3 inches into the air


Brewmasters don’t have WDP. Super unnecessary removal, it’s one of the very few abilities that make me feel powerful. Tanks can’t do arena, so nerfing them so they are less impactful in Battlegrounds is ridiculous especially because most comps in RBG’s only have one tank.


This is not true, also anything is viable with good players. Ive been the 3rd tank at 2500 mmr a few times

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Well now I’m in an awkward position, I should have not spoken so broadly, or generally, I rarely do arena so I wouldn’t know that tanks can regularly maintain high ratings. Can you at least agree that Ox Kick should stay?

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It’s just frowned upon. Especially if it’s prot pally.

Hmm… Well I’m not sure brew can do it ATM. I know there was a time in 2’s where brew and warlock was good. Never considered comps for 3’s… I could probably do it if I tried but I’m a solo player and prefer BGs while watching shows etc.

I agree it should stay but should be a choice between CJL knock OR Ox kick having both is insanely broken in RBGs as you can basically stop people from moving perma if they are low on the mobility pole.

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Your ox :ox: kick was yummy :yum:

I am putting in my official declaration that Ox Kick stays!

I use it fairly often on my monk to upset casters who are constantly trying to pillar.

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That’s exactly what I use it for too. Sooo annoying that they took it.

ox kick was my favourite ability as ww in pvp, by itself was sort of meh but the synergy it had with rop was amazing for smaller areas. However I can’t recall a single time all of DF where a monk used it on me.

i think they removed it because it was buggy but that’s really no reason. fix the spell lol

it is a shame. niche ability that was super fun