Midnight xpac pet wish list

What kind of updates/features should Pet Battles get when Midnight launches?

Kind of a stretch but I just want 2 things:

  1. Update pet currency shoulder enchant to allow us to apply it on max lvl gear

  2. Mobile Pet Battles.


Realistic Ones for Midnight:

A New Pet Dungeon

A New Raiding With Leashes

More Fanciful Ones for Any Future Development

A Toy Earned With a Battle Pet Achievement
I’ve long wished for a toy we could bring out during downtime at raids or whatever that looked like a wagon that we could “pull” behind us with some pets in it (more than one).

A Mount Earned With a Battle Pet Achievement
A mount that can display pets. Maybe a bicycle looking mount with a basket up front for a pet. It could be anything really.


I need this only to have my wicked witch transmoged mage Elphaeba to ride it with dog in the basket.

I do hope we get a new dungeon. They are so fun. Did we not have a raiding with leashes for shadowlands?

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Sadly Blizzard seems to have abandoned Raiding With Leashes after Mists of Pandaria


Mini-felguard pet since all the other Warlock minions have a mini.
Upgraded traps and safari hat.
Transmog items made round collecting a certain number of pets and/ or pets from pet families.

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