Midnight Trailer in August?

Considering we have the gamescom ahead in Cologne we will see the Midnight trailer releasing at this time too.

What do you want to get from it? Will we see only blood elves or all sub factions from it?

Personally I want Kael’thas and Sylvanas starring cuz they were both done dirty by previous writers.

A new Quel’thelas and the zones being developed for Midnight and if they’re adding any new races. Ideally a cinematic of Quel’thelas and player housing. Story development and who the final boss of TWW. I think Midnight launching story should have a very long cinematic like in BFA several telling the story of Midnight, but more so just 2 minute one of Midnight showing Xal at the Sunwell. That would be great!


My biggest fear is Eversong no longer being our starter zone. That would ruin the blood elf vibe for no good.

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I think they’re going to keep BC Silvermoon where it is. They then will be building a whole new Silvermoon and integrating that version into the game.


Silvermoon shouldn’t become neutral. They never turned race capitals. Just use Quel’danas again this way the blood elves aren’t losing their only hub and forced to share with the people who activley tried to kill them in the past.

I have no problem with Silvermoon functioning the same way the new Nelf capital works. Horde players can enter it, sure, but it’s clearly a Night Elf city for Night Elves. The fact that the guards don’t automatically try to kill the opposing faction doesn’t make it a “Neutral City.”


nah itll be right part horde (same as now) left part void alliance

Silvermoon is Horde.

I hope there will be some iconic elves from Quel’Thalas in the CGI cinematic, especially the 3 Windrunner sisters.

I also hope Silvermoon will be Midnight’s neutral hub.

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I’ll take “Things that give me stomach distress for 5000, Alex”


Ones definitely making an appearance. Varessa is a big maybe due to the elven reunification.

Sylvanas is 50/50 that she makes a suprise showing

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There is no need to pretend all three aren’t going to dominate the scene like an entire tub of expired mayonnaise spread over a slice of bread.

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There is no need for Vereesa to be there considering she was a major factor of damage to the blood elves a long time. All she deserves is the rope.

elven reunification

Games going to ignore the past to make it happen

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I’ll be in a considerable state of shock if Quel’Thalas isn’t completely revamped- remaking it to a size and scale where skyriding around it takes time. And also if Silvermoon City isn’t the neutral hub area.

The BC starting zone is probably getting erased. Starting zones are obsolete with Exile’s Reach being a thing and if anything actively cause confusion with new and even returning players. I was certainly baffled in Death Knell starting out again back in Legion wondering why my class trainer wouldn’t offer me any new abilities. And with them being preserved in amber with Classic servers there’s no argument to keep them around for posterity’s sake.

I do think a lot of charm will be lost with them but let’s be real the game isn’t about leveling anymore. It’s entirely shifted to the end game experience. Getting a max level character isn’t an achievement it’s basically where the game starts in earnest.

So reworking the capitol zones into more modern WoW areas that could offer evergreen content with only mild updates sounds good to me.

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There is absolutely no way at all that Sylvanas isn’t going to come back. And every moment of it will be awful.


Glorious. It’ll be glorious.

Just to see her haters have a meltdown over it will the ribbon on top of it all

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No. Starter zones shouldn’t be touched especially if high elf fanatics take it as reason to believe the Blizzard cares more about them then the playable elves.

Honestly I just think you should be able to start at level 10 with the Exile’s Reach gear in your capitol if you’ve beat it once already.

Presuming a starter zone isn’t completely empty who you do see there is going to be zooming around in the side car of a motorcycle. The pacing and themeing are already lost.

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does anyone remember the leak that the sunwell turned part void in BFA
since there was a warfront there too