Midnight Mount

Theres no way i’m the only one who thinks this. Midnight is one of the rare and cooler looking mounts in the game, and the drop chance for it shows it. So why, just WHY can’t it fly? Red spectral wings would be dope, or at the bare MINIMUM give it the Horseman Mount treatment. I get most mounts cant fly either, but Midnight in my opinion does not deserve that treatment. Like I said, wings would be cool, but I would settle for it running on air. But PLEASE let me take to the skies on this beauty. :frowning:


Can’t fly.

Just get the Horseman mount or Invincible.

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Neither of those are red.

True. But they can fly and Midnight can’t.

Midnight IS a beautiful mount. When my guild used to do DK RP I would use it exclusively.

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Donkey Kong


Get out of here donkey chong

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Exactly! Best RP out there! :gorilla: :oil_drum: :fire:

First try for me :slight_smile:
But yes, it is an amazing mount. I would love a few more versions, but those are horde only (and pvp).

It being unable to fly is literally the point of this post lmao


Stupid and arbitrary restriction. It SHOULD be able to fly.

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When Sinrunner Blanchy first hit the shelves, it wasn’t able to fly. Then they patched it to be able to fly and gave it a casting animation.

I don’t see why they couldn’t do the same for Midnight.



Completely agree 100%

Midnight doesnt look very midnighty.

Its just like any other mount, 1% and its actually an easy farm, like 5 mins to get to it , comparing to other mounts where you would clear raids in 30 mins and 15 mins spawns

Feel ya my golden ghost horse that doesn’t have legs and glides across the land can’t fly either.

Bro already flying :skull:

Donkey Kong RP?

Checks out for an Orc. Lol

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Hear, hear! Same goes for the SL ghostly horses.

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