'Midnight' - Major City: How would you feel, if

Reading this plea after all the nonsense with Gilneas and Bel’ameth really tickles me.


I’ve addressed both such things in this thread :slight_smile:

Reflecting the Bel’ameth treatment:

and further upgrading Gilneas:

The Bel’ameth treatment would indicate Silvermoon still as a Horde city — but with the Alliance allowed as scutinised visitors / guests.

Additionally with that being said – within Bel’ameth, the Horde CANNOT access the portals etc of the area — So it’s not like they get “FULL ACCESS” to the city & everything it attains, of which people keep falsely insisting they can & then hyperbolically claiming should be done to Silvermoon …

Ultimately though,

Personally, I believe that if the Blood Elves and the Horde decide to allow the Alliance into Quel’Thalas — It should be done through Velen, who had assisted the Sin’dorei into restoring the Sunwell :slight_smile:

Hence my little desire playout I told earlier :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Because it’d be a compromise that many Horde players who are fans of Blood Elves & their lore, along with quite a few of the Alliance players would both accept, considering it wouldn’t feel like forced catering or virtue-signal writing. :slight_smile:


How would you feel if Undercity and Gilneas were the Horde and Alliance capital cities and Silvermoon and the Isle of Quel’Danas fell to Xalatath at the end of this expansion?

Only if Stratholme became a fully fledged city and not just some hole in the wall outpost. I would rather see them updated Gilneas and turn that back into a working city to use.


If it becomes a neutral capital does that mean it will be both blue AND orange / red? Since the old high elves would returning no?

To be fair, you could always have the Bronze Dragon lady to talk towards, who could revert you back to its prior version — Like they had with a few other zones :slight_smile:

:100: Percent :grin:

I recommended such for both above :slight_smile:
And also included Gilneas to be the prime port-city of reinforcements for Stratholme :partying_face: