Midnight ideas and stuff we need in it

Canonically I’m pretty sure Liadrin wields it

I feel like if they add velf paladins they should consider giving Alexstrasza’s other gifted sword to their leader in the inevitable story bit where both orders team up

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I still think part of the unification plot is going to involve finding a way to restore another big tree, honestly

The legion hunter hall made such a big deal of Eversong’s big tree being part of the defences that it almost makes sense if ban’dinoriel really does turn out to still be weakened considering the san’layn were still nesting in its corrupted roots

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I think this time, the Sunwell WILL become a portal for the extradimensional force to invade, and we’ll be having Collective Elf Therapy while we all begrudgingly work together to recapture it and push the invasion back.

Which results in a Neutral Elf Nation.

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Man, the night elves would be insufferable if they’re around to help the blood and high elves through another Sunwell-loss drawback event. Sure, they’ll help get their cousins back on their feet, but the lectures about the ‘dangers of arcane addiction’ and the ‘how to quit arcane with our easy 12-step program’ flyers would be endless.


Don’t worry cousins, once you complete this 12 step program, you will be cured of your addiction for giant magical wells. Only side affect is the sudden urge to plant giant magical city sized world trees all over the world :dracthyr_nod:


“Step 4 is to take all that awful craving and channel it into some useful activity - like gardening!”

[Blood elves, staring at the map of all the world trees] “…This explains a lot.”


The high elves had both of the addictions though


Keep Alleria, Umbric, Vereesa and their alliance diehard cronies as far as possible away from the High Home.


Lor’themar has had five years to ruminate things, he’s probably going to revise the conditions to just not allowing void elves to go to the Sunwell plateau for safety reasons (and there’s nothing you can do about it)

No. To hell with all alliance elves.

Since all elven races will be reunified, does this mean you’ll actually quit for good this time? :dracthyr_nod:


Then after gardening remember to tend to all the wild things. Those beasts there… go hunting!

Step 5 Accepting that we can use the Arcane, but not be beholden to it. This will be taught by the Shendralar. See Professor Mordent Evenshade.

I can see a lot of positive banter from Shendralar Magi with their Thalassian/Shalassian Kin. By the end of the expansion the elven tribes shall truly be united as one people. Maybe a redemption arc for Queen Azshara? Maybe she’ll still be kill on sight…


I somehow think the Shen’drelar would not be great at teaching this lesson given it took them millenia of being hopped up on demon blood to figure it out

They were able to figure out how to filter demonic magics to turn it into pure arcane without any adverse effects which is nothing short of stupendous! Not even the Blood Elves figured out how to properly filter fel to leave only arcane from siphoning their magics. If the Thalassians would listen they can teach how to properly siphon the Sunwell’s magics and filter out any void taint. Maybe the ren’dorei can help the Shandralar perfect that. Even more the Shendralar can teach them techniques in properly rationing and controlling any arcane addictions with help from the Nightborne.

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The Arcane filtered from the Fel is probably the same Disorder Arcane seen in Netherstorm which is to say if it were shoved into the water instead of the sky it would have started eroding Dire Maul instead of crystalizing it like Order’s Arcane would if it was inserted into Dire Maul’s water.

I know of no Arcane Shadow Magic(Arcane Death Magics from Bastion & the Brokers and Arcane Life Magics from Elune yes but not Arcane Shadow Magics or Arcane Light Magics!) so your plan has a bit of a snag.

Possibly, but given that Midnight is 2 expansions away. I suspect they have to figure out how to provide the Thalassians some version of arcane before they go mana addict BC era Blood elves. I suspect the Shalassians will provide them some Arcan’dor fruit and boom no addiction.

Fingers crossed! :crossed_fingers:

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That will not happen. Umbric is kill on sight. No mercy on those who murdered our allies.

I’d like to see some follow up on what the HELL happened at Quel’lithien lodge, in the Eastern Plaguelands, if ever they push the border south a ways.

Bit of a forgotten piece of lore, but what happened to the crystal of Zin’malor? Why did it turn everyone Wretched? Where is it now? :scream:


Alexstrasza, Kalec and Merithra should be involved in making the elven leaders sit in the same room and make disappointed faces everytime someone threatens to storm out. TBH if anyone can present themselves as neutral arbiters of the elves’ nonsense it’s probably the dragons.

More Valtrois and Stellagosa moments.

Shalandis as a mixed settlement, mostly to have an excuse for it to be a quest hub in Quel’thalas but still have the temple of the moon soundtrack (it’s the last place in the game where it plays IIRC). If it’s going to be the final attempt to fix BC’s weirdly handwaved nonsense attempts at shoehorning the factions, maybe that island could be where the reconciliation is cemented.