Midnight hero talents

What kind of new spells or cool shi in general do you wanna see added to our hero trees when they expand in the next expac?

How or why isn’t too important but i want to see herald of the sun give us flaming weapons during wings

Honestly, anything. Paladin, as much of a “show off” class it is, has gotten some pretty muted Hero Talents if you ask me, none of them really feel like you are adding a “twist” on the fantasy, they just feel like you are a Paladin, but slightly Paladinier.

A flaming sword would be cool, frankly, Herald of the Sun should double down on the angelic features, it would awesome in general: golden flaming weapon, halo during wings(similar to the one you apply on enemies/allies, a bit more proeminent, however, since you can barely see it), maybe larger wings?

Templar, I don’t know, Templar is just really basic, “Oh hey, you summon a bunch of hammers? Here’s another one for you to pop out every so often!” I don’t know what I could add that would make it appealing to me, the whole class fantasy of it is just more of the same for Paladins.

Lightsmith I think could use some more details, the little weapon that shows up to follow you is cool, but I think some floating shields when you apply Holy Bulwark would be awesome as well, similar to the art of the hero talent.


I think you are both confused about the nature of the Hero trees/specs.
They’re not gonna add stuff to the current hero specs for midnight or any future expac for that matter.
They’ll stay as they are for the most part, unless some really need updating for various reasons.

The purpose of the Hero specs was to have a system where they can design new ideas without having them stack on all the stuff that already exist on the class/spec and create a balancing nightmare.

Most likely they will make 1 or 2 brand new hero specs and you’ll get to choose between those 2 OR the ones from the previous expansions.

Basically, Hero specs are the same as the “borrowed power” we had in previous expansion except we’ll have the option to keep playing them if we don’t like the new gimmick they come up with.

Think of them like hats, you’ll get to choose which hat you put on and each expac they’ll add more hat options but you can only ever wear 1 hat at a time.

And once they make a hat, they won’t come back and change it unless they changed the form of your head or if they completely messed up the hat to begin with.

It’s a pretty elegant way to keep designing new ideas and tropes without the logistical nightmare of keeping track of all the interactions your new ideas could break when combined with all the previous system you designed.

You just separate them.

It will always just be the base class tree + spec tree + Hero spec.

So to answer your question:
Nothing, because they aren’t gonna expand.

As new Hero specs…
I wouldn’t mind to see an “Elune paladin” (silvery type) which could also welcome night elf paladins to the game.

What could also be possible since it’s called “MIDNIGHT”, even if many on these forum despise the idea, is to have a Hero spec that makes the Paladin kind of look like the fanatics of Dawnbreaker dungeon.

People will tell that it’s lore breaking and that it wouldn’t be paladins if they did but I don’t know that Blizzard cares as much as they do about it.

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Seeing as most of the dev team at Blizzard changes pretty often they definitely don’t. They all have their own ideas of what they like and how it blends to a story at the time but asking much more than that is going to get confusing looks. Lore wise paladins in game look nothing like how they should. It’s the downside of playing a game as old as this one.

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They’re not real paladins, just poor imitations to the real thing. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :wink:

This, unfortunately, is most likely true. :frowning_face:

Zealot; A paladin that is more reliant on fire damage to torture the “secrets” from his foes. Also dual weilds. (Ret)

Crusader; a paladin that fights in the front lines both offensively and defensively to forcibly spread the word of the light. 2-hand/sheild. (Ret/prot)

Maruader; a paladin that focuses more on the martial aspect of being a knight while using the light to empower himself further to smite his/her foes with justice. (Ret/holy)

Protectorate; a paladin devouted to the light and his servitude of protecting his fellows, his/her devoution of the light allows him/her to construct barriers in front of them or their close by allies to sheild themselves or others from harm. (Prot/holy)

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There will be leveling in the new xpax (midnight), ya? If so, does that mean we wont be getting more talent points to spend for new talents or hero talents? I feel like new levels have always added talent points to spend in new xpacs, but if what you say is true, then we wont have that for the first time ever :open_mouth:

Not necessarily, it could be framed as unlocking a new type of power or something.

It’s definitely new territory though.
They could also grey out the old ones while we level or something.

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There wont be new hero talents me thinks. What I can see them doing is


Making all specs be able to pick all hero talents but this isnt great either.

They will probably re balance or smooth the edges for the next expansion

We wont have new zones either, because they said midnight is about going to the old world and they specificakky mentioned quelthalas.

Definitely not.

Doesn’t really make much sense to have Holy Priest be Voidweaver.

Doesn’t make a lot of sense for Marksman Hunter for which they removed the pet to be a pack leader.

Think about druid for a sec…
Resto druid would be a druid of the claw?

Their plan for those 3 expansions was already established and they announced Hero spec is an evergreen feature.

They said they were gonna reevaluate their vision once the trilogy is done.
I don’t see anything to suggest they would alter course.

Since it’s the ultimate light vs void clash I’d like to see some mixes of void/light hero talents for priest and paladins with cool color combinations. It’s not lore accurate at the present moment but seeing as the naaru can and do go dark when dying it could happen in a sense. I want silver or blue wings. There. I said it.

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