Mid-expansion class

Y’all excited for the announcement?

What announcement?

They already put out the roadmap for the rest of the xpac lol.
Someone missed blizzcon.


Yes. The roadmap has the announcement on it. We just odn’t know the details.

None. Someone’s just fishing for attention.


Dear OP,

Source? Links?

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Point to me where. The word announcement isn’t even on it lol.

That or super low effort trolling. Like what even is this :joy:


Lemmie find it.


Could’ve swore there was a part of it that said “TBA” on it.

Maybe I dreamt it.

The midnight roadmap feverdream lol.


The Gymnastic, Ballerina, Bunny Girl/Guy is REAL! It has Tank, DPS, and Support roles. New weapon type, Batons. It tanks by infuriating enemy targets with twirls, tickles, and elaborate dances while dodging 90% of all incoming attacks.

Lol, I want this to be real cuz the sheer amount of internet breakage would be insane twofold.

One for tinkers and one for a mod expansion class.

One can dream

Just blame N’zoth, it’s easy.

I would be surprised if shamans don’t have a tank spec by the end of the expac.

You don’t have an NPC tank in a follower dungeon using Chain Lightning to pull if you aren’t going in this direction.

I am so ready to hear about Tinkers just in time for Undermine.

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Knowing Blizzard, they’d pulled a Blue Mage from FFXIV.

“We’ll be introducing a new class, Tinkers, to WoW. This class will have one spec, and because it will be too powerful, will not be eligible for group gameplay such as dungeons, overworld parties, raids, PvP, Arenas, etc…”

Its right there under “holiday updates” its gunna be a early Christmas present

They’re never going to release a class mid-expansion.

  1. New classes are probably the biggest selling point in new expansions.
  2. It’d be a nightmare for people who wanted to play the new class to have to level up and try to gear up in order to play the new season content.
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It must be behind the bush.


No i meant the holiday update was the new class lol

Hopefully they’ll never release another class ever again, under any circumstances. Not until they’ve actually finished designing the ones that are already in the game, at least.

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That’d require them to stop redesigning every class every expansion.

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