<Mid> 6/8H Stormrage(US) Recruiting

Raid Times and Dates

Weds/Thurs 9pm-12a EST.

About us

Mid is a recently founded guild of returning veteran players with experience ranging from AOTC to CE. We are first aiming for AOTC then will progress into mythic raiding, with the end goal being CE. We are a very relaxed group, some of us play very often and others have real life obligations, so we have a mix. The most important quality for us will be culture fit.

Server does not matter, faction does not matter.

Currently 8/8 N - 6/8 H


Tanks: Blood DK or Prot Warrior or V DH
Healers: Pres Evoker or MW or Disc Priest
Melee: Closed
Ranged: Mage and Aug Evoker


Join our discord and either send Xiten or Deadgg a whisper.

or add us on BNET


all mythic+ runners and casuals are welcome!

Still looking for an aug, m+ runners and casuals!

Still looking! Could use a lock and potentially a Resto Shammy! 8/8N, we go into Heroics next week!

Need some ranged dps up in here and an aug still! :smiley:

I know theres and Aug out there somewhere!!

Bumping this post. Still recruiting!

Need either a Boomie or Resto Druid! And potentially a disc/holy priest!

Looking for disc/holy priest and a boomie and one more aug!!!

Bump! Come join us!


one bump. two bump

bumpty dance

bump in the night

Looking for a pres evoker, another mage, frost/unholy dk and an enh shammy! Always looking for a good aug!

Any blood dks?

If other tank roles are needed, I main VDH & Prot pally.

Added you.

Oh sorry I typo’d Xiten#1628

tacos are great