Microsoft purchasing bungie was the beginning of the dumbing down of the video game industry

Been waiting for this for so long. Going to 360 no scope [Aimed Shot]

In terms of online shooters I think someone should have copied the Planetside 2 model with a more modern server architecture (not locked onto smaller oldschool servers). That was kind of fun even though Iā€™m not great at shooters and mostly just ran around as a medic or engineer.

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i am being a little facetioulous myself here, halo was a very promising title and looked great visually

just that it never really evolved in any serious way and became the go to FPS for the unwashed masses

we gave up the stars for this billā€¦

Bruh, you are talking about bungie and microsoft and halo in a WoW forum.

So who you calling a troll :crazy_face:

i know right, microsoft has no relevance to blizzard or wow

anyone seen any good star trek episodes?


Or even where are you talking about Blizzard in your original post.

Hence my first post;

you seem a little slow so I will spell it out for you

microsoft is purchasing blizzard
blizzard makes wow
this is a thread about microsofts first major purchase of a game production company

now about those star trek episodes


No, Iā€™m well aware of the purchase professor.

Iā€™m still stumped why you have a hard time answering a simple question;

Because saying ā€˜ā€˜cause microsoftā€¦ā€™ā€™ is only making you seem slow there buddy.

Will Bill join an asmongold stream?

please make this happen

IMO the horse armor dlc was the canary in the mine tbh.

the dumbing down of video games? hmmā€¦ nah, iā€™d say it was when the wii came out. suddenly games needed to be dumbed-down/made easier so players could play them with waggle-y motion controls.

i mean, look at games on the 360, i wouldā€™nt say they were dumbed down. but games on the wii compared to the gamecube? definitely dumbed-down.

ā€¦and of course, when it comes to intrusive dlc stuff, iā€™d say that started with-

thatā€¦ definitely was one of the big starting points. i coulda swore you could buy cosmetic dlc stuff before that thoughā€¦

I donā€™t even know of any game bungie has made but Iā€™ve heard of the studio.

In my experience, Microsoft doesnā€™t make very good quality products.

I bought the xbox 360 twice. Never again.

Now if it was Sony, Iā€™d be a lot happier about this sale.

Does this mean Blizzard will split off of Microsoft in 2031?

Whatā€™s that?

You clearly never played an MMO on console before. FFXIV for example has 48 buttons you can easily access using a controller, plus that game has keyboard n mouse support.

iā€™ma chalk your post up to you being a boomer.

Because out 5 button rotations are really complex.

Microsoft bought Zenimax for 7.5 billion dollars.

Not only that but Bungie has been on a decline of their own after both Microsoft and Activision owned them. This was seen through Destiny, and Destiny 2.

Bungieā€™s reputation has never been lower, and they have been creating these expansions on their own without any larger studio forcing them in a direction in their most recent expansions. Expansions that were so bad they are some of their lowest rated in history.

The irony of you saying this. Look in the mirror. Though, youā€™ll probably wonā€™t be able to recognize its your own reflection. Youā€™ll confuse it for another individual, just like less intelligent animals do.

Nostradamus, can you NOT right now? Lolololol

do you remember urban assault game from 1998?
it was superior strategy masterpiece game with epic sounds and atmosphere.
it had huge potential.
but it was killed by ā€¦ yesā€¦

I heard that caviar is driving some species of fish to extinction. Hotdogs sound like a better option.