Microsoft bought blizzard

WoW players have always been gloom and doom. Every expansion is the last expansion, all new content is worse than old content, etc. Truth of the matter is they have a game where you buy the game, then pay a monthly fee to play it, on top of token sales and store junk they pocket tons of revenue from. The game is still turning a large profit.

Most of us have been playing this game for over a decade, and if Blizzard’s next xpac was World of Warcraft: Toilet Wars, we’d all still buy it, begrudgingly play it because WoW PVP is unique to the market, and the kids of Blizzard executives will still attend expensive schools that require them to wear matching blazers.

When you release a brand new game every what? 2 or 3 years? And have been running this long you’re going to be starved for creativity. That said, there’s some obvious design changes that I think the majority of the community would appreciate, but WoW cancelled? I doubt it.

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