There’s different levels of FOMO and carrot in a stick tactics. Seasonal rewards against a ranking system like M+ and Arenas are Ok because the balance around the game and power systems won’t be the same.
Other situations reported on the forums like players that want to experience old questlines that were removed, those are bad for the gameplay and impacts a lot of players, even players that completed those questline would like to see new players doing those campaings.
There’s not a good balance on any patch, there’s some classes doing the best dmg on pve or pvp scenarios, what i mean is that during 9.1 the big thing were domination shards and there’s rewards for players that achieved some rank progress with those, same with corruptions…etc
Compared to casual rewards that are for participation or rewards that comes from a holiday or questline, that something Blizzard removes when it could be a forever green content.
I understand what you’re saying. Personally, I don’t think seasonal rewards should be tied to systems that greatly hurt a player’s experience due to bad design, such as overuse of RNG. Take shards as an example there.
At the very least, if we’re going to have seasonal rewards tied to bad design, I’d at least like to see the current PvP mount model used in other areas, where if you meet x objective in a given season, you get the mount, and then you can continue grinding away for saddles so you can buy previous season mounts. That way, if a season is out of balance for your class, you can grind out the next season that is more favorable to you. Hope that makes sense.
That’s the current system for the casual mounts “vicious saddles”, the other mounts like KSM, Gladiator are rewarded as a representation of that season, It’s limited to that season but i don’t think Devs will change it like the vicious mounts, it’s like some skins on other games that are a reward from a specific season, icon, titles. like the Feats of Streght for each anniversary something that can’t be repeated.
This. M$ has developers who fully embrace FOMO tactics(Fallout 76 being a good example) while also housing developers whose limited time events tend to be mostly just seasonal in the sense of theme(not game pass type seasons, but autumn, winter, spring, summer).
The majority of their developers though are in singleplayer games.
Fair, although I will say that Blizzard has reintroduced a previous PvP appearance (e.g. the WoD S2/S3 Elite crossbow) and actually put it on a PvE vendor, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility for them to continue doing the same for other things.
In the case of Gladiator, could they not have their own saddle (call it “gladiator’s saddle” or whatever) that they can grind out for wins over 2400 and use that to buy previous seasonal glad mounts? Would that be fair in your opinion?
I don’t have Gladiator’s mount but i know that amount those players it’s a representation of that season and being it on a vendor for later season will kill that prestige, i would like the ranking lower so more people could achieve it, sure. But each game decides that kind of cosmetics per season, example league of legends during multiple seasons the skin that’s the best thing was provided to a broad part of the player base by reaching gold, while the best players receive a icon, banner, screen boarder for that season.
The best incentive should be provided to a lot of players so they want to keep comming back each season and the 1% could get something minor, at least that’s my POV to improve participation, the current casual vicious mount doesn’t provide that.
It’ll come in the form of a purple place cooking daily where cakes will sometimes contain a super rare something that spawns once per account. The conveyer belt will speed up and if you get the cake wrong, you’ll never be able to get that rare on that account again.
Or maybe they’ll blow up the PC version of WoW, relaunch it on XBOX and there are some launch party rares you can only get if you login on your XBOX during the first day. Purble Place - YouTube
fomo is a concept created by the og crew that made the game fun , heavy usage of it became a trend to not only make the game unfun but to force the hamsters into the wheel .
fomo could also be called a predatory tactic , " hey guys so after wowhead datamined the removal of a well loved mount , we just wanted to let you know yeah we are removing it but its k you can always buy 700 usd in tokens and get it because its gone in a few months because we want it to be fomo since we didnt like the previous money sink mounts not being fomo enough and since fomo is the way its being removed ktb"
no it’s not. it’s an acronym that stands for “fear of missing out” and it was a thing long before video games existed. it’s not specific to video games or a particular design team of a particular video game.
it’s a decision you make for yourself, not an evil trap laid by other people.