Microphone Stop working when i open a blizzard games

Hello, i’ve been having a stange issue for a week now. I upgraded to a nvme pci ssd and reinstalled windows 10 and all my application, my motherboard bios is up to date to the latest version and so are all my computer component. but i have one issue that i cant get rid of. Everytime i open any blizzard game my microphone (Blue snowball Ice) stop working, not only on discord or skype but in windows. i have to disable/ reenable it in sound setting everytime. here’s what ive done so far.

updated my microphone driver.
made sure that in privacy setting, my microphone had acces to all app.
ran the blizzard launcher and all my blizzard games (wow and hearthstone) as administrator.
uninstalled all peripheral support app (razer/logitech/geforce experience)
lowered my microphone quality to 8000hz
fully uninstalled the blizzard launcher with Revo and deleted all registry entry then I reinstalled it.
i also made sure that my microphone was the only recording device enable
removed my microphone from device manager and fully uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it.

I can run any game on steam or open any other application and my microphone still work just fine. the problem is only occurring when i am executing a blizzard product.

I am running out of idea i hope you can help.

Is your microphone set to as the audio input?

Not sure to what you are refereeing to, but if mean if it’s my default recording device ? yea it is.

also i should note that i am not using the in game voice chat. i tried it but same problem happen. i have to disable/re-able the microphone every time i swap game or i re-open the desktop blizzard launcher.

I was referring under windows devices. I guess it could also be bad drivers.

go into apps and allow your mic to work

Like it stated in my post its already done

Hey Albärn,

Can we try disabling Exclusive mode? Disabling background programs while testing may be helpful.

Thanks for the reply Zenlaka, i tried both your solution but the same problem persist. i restarted my computer with no startup app, services and the exclusive mode turned off. My microphone work just fine until i open the launcher or launch a game. i am really starting to run out of idea. i have a feeling it has something to do with the in game voice chat, even if i am not using it.

I’ve seen this a couple times when certain software is crashing your audiodg.exe file or security blocks access to the microphone. Because of the files we need to diagnose this, that type of issue is better handled via our ticket system. Mind putting in a ticket with your MSInfo/DXDiag and information on what you’ve tried so far for me? We’re using the crashes submission form in this case because I’m assuming the mic drivers or audiodg.exe are what’s crashing.