Micro CC's needs to get toned down

Been playing Blitz and BG’s and omg the amount of Micro cc’s interrupting your every move on top of the slows, stuns and roots are way too extra


For sure… the only way to combat that is to nerf hunters! Agreed

Everytime a hunter cries, an angel get’s it’s wings.

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u know its bad when a hunter is crying about CC

hunters r 90 yards back in the safest place possible

imagine being a smelly lizard or warrior getting CC every second

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OP, you just discovered my main pet peeve with pvp these days.

If I’m going to die, I’d rather go down swinging. Not stand there useless enduring an endless barrage of slows, fears, stuns, roots, clones and DH humping.


Does the precog gear piece help at all? I’m just farming up the wyrm crest from m+. What kinda freakin troll is blizz laying on us that we have to do m+ to get the precog item. It’s an abomination

I cant say if precog helps, my casts are interruptable on my hunter and also play enhancement shaman. My gripe is the knockbacks, slows from 20% up to 90% and roots. The high damage going out from every spec doesn’t help either. Thats without mentioning the stuns and invulnerabilities. It’s gotten out of hand, imo. If I’m a caster then I also have to worry about interrupts.

Thankfully we have more CC’s coming in TWW. Soon instead of 6 second CC’s, itll just be a ton of 3-5 second CC’s as if it isnt already.

Blizzard’s philosophy changing every expansion is top tier content

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