MG Horde RP Scene

Happy 2021 to you as well - at least I damn well hope so. :sweat_smile:


A directory that is cluttered, clunky, and honestly unappealing.

Imagine labeling something you don’t agree with as a psychopathic tirade just to appeal to the majority of valiant defenders and flagging a post because you cant handle it LOL

Honestly it’s really fun baiting you to revealing more and more of your hypocrisy, literally anyone from WrA or other servers could look at this thread and realize why the servers actually split.

Revealing the response to a outside figure spilling the truth of how MG actually works on the horde side goes to show that you are incapable of actually running a community.

To flip the script, no one with a sane mindset would respond as the rest of you do to a post like this if they were actually interested in doing more than being a big name.

How many others have all of you realistically tried to jump on and stomp out before they are able to damage your image by showing how you all operate huh?

You have tried to stop me at every turn, flagged posts, deleted discord posts, tried to deter me by banning me from one of your discords, threatened to unfriend me for such things, and now are using names because you can’t handle that I am here and will not be stopped.

Just deal with it, the inner workings of MG-H have been exposed and called out. Now change it or keep digging yourselves a hole by continuously proving me correct.

Personally I don’t really care who you are, a dev, a celebrity, a admin, or my best friend. I will not conform to your groups mentality, If you don’t like it. Tough.

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Well thank you for your enlightening point of view, we will keep it in mind for your future endeavors and projects as you’ve highlighted for us on paper your leadership and teamworking capabilities as well as personality.

One would normally take a hint at all of the above reasons you’ve listed that maybe we’re just not the right fit as a server for you as your attitude has made that abundantly apparent. Good luck, I hope the family situation gets better.


From doing what, exactly?


How much money did you spend on the website?

Three hundred dollars

Did I nail it, or did I nail it? Fricken predictable.

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Three hundred dollars for a website so you could try and dictate how people play make pretend Barbie dress-up on a computer game, lmao. That is really sad.

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Crizz, lets see your main cause getting on alts to post on a forum is cliché and before you say “this is my main.” not with 20k achievement points and 2 posts it aint.

Aren’t you doing the exact same thing?

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Nah, changed from horde to alliance. Check my posts on the main forums under “Shaanis”

That’s nice, but I won’t do that since you’re a lolcow regardless of whatever faction or server you play on. Prior to today I didn’t even know who you were; someone told me about a 200+ post thread about someone who blew $300 and I wasn’t disappointed.

Just go back to WRA if you don’t like Moon Guard.

See I would but theres something about calling out the sheer hypocrisy and repeating the past here that really makes it feel justifiable.

There isn’t, though.

All you’ve done is taken a shotgun and blown your own foot off because virtually everyone who has seen this thread thinks you’re a bloviating, sociopathic manchild who takes Make Pretend too seriously. And you’ve pretty much proven them correct.

I mean, it’s entertaining, but it’s also really pathetic at the same time, especially since you blew over three hundred dollars on a website because you were upset with how people were playing with their toys in the sandbox. This is why people laugh at roleplayers.

You’re not a mover or shaker or anything in-between. People will get their laughs at your expense and you’ll be forgotten within short notice. Lolcows and drama llamas come and go from MG/WRA/ED all the time. Given your inability to let things go, you’ll probably just resurface in the future to make another hilarious yet fruitless thread about “The Roleplaying Community™” before disappearing again. You’re like a toothless shark that swims up to the surface to bite a fisherman, only to retreat back to the sea floor to gobble up some plankton.

If you insist that you “don’t care”, it’s typically an indication that you care way too much.


Hi all, Murloc Dad here.

I just wanted to pop in on my (to my recollection anyways) first ever forum post in all my…checks watch 15-ish years of WoW playing and say the following:

  1. MG-H Is Not MG-A.

Look, I know there are people out there (myself included) that want to look just like the big Alliance folks and have massive event turnouts and huge crowds of people that make record breaking numbers in in game events like ToA and such.

But that’s not us. Like Corta said earlier we’re the small town America of Moon Guard (except a lot more welcoming but you know what I mean.) We all know each other and grudges aren’t easily forgotten. That takes time and effort to heal and as a result? Not everyone engages in Orgrimmar Roleplay because they just don’t want to be around certain people.

That’s FINE. It’s okay. I understand not seeing anyone in Orgrimmar can be a turnoff to new players but I urge anyone peeking in on this to, if anything, listen to this one thing:

You are, and always will be, welcome among us.

  1. An Actual Problem.
    I actually mentioned this in a discord server and I will bring it up again for the sake of clarity.

MG-H does have a problem with it but it’s not what one immediately thinks of or would come to mind.

I call it a cult of personality.

I don’t know if this is ever something done intentionally or not but I’ve noticed over the years that grudges have had a tendency to get other people dragged in with it.
…Let me explain.

Let’s say Person A and Person B are doing X activity and B feels slighted by A.

Well B goes on to tell -their- friends what happened and those friends then no longer interact with Person A. While Person A does vice versa with their friends.

Is that a bad thing?
Well…Not necessarily, no…

Look I’ll be the first to admit it, sometimes there are good reasons to stay away from certain people. GOD KNOWS I’ve done my fair share of dumb stuff that should have had me ostracized from the server A LOOOOOONG TIME AGO. Ask any of the old hats around here what kind of roleplayer I used to be back in MoP-WoD and they’ll tell you some…Interesting stories I can imagine.

But that’s not the problem. The problem starts with the people that were dragged in to it. Who then go on to harass, bully, stalk, or otherwise try to drag even MORE PEOPLE in to the little drama that was originally just between two people.

I’ve seen this happen before and it’s not fun. It’s not pretty. And it’s not something I like seeing. But it happens.
And the anonymity of the internet allows the whole round of “he said-she said” to run it’s course with next to zero repercussions for anyone just ‘saying’ whatever they darn well please.

So where does that whole ramble leave us? I have absolutely no clue because I have zero idea on how to fix this because my only possible solution involves mind-control and I, unfortunately, (or fortunately depending on your point of view) cannot do that.

I cannot MAKE anyone like someone else against their will. I cannot MAKE someone not talk about something that happened to someone else.

My only real take-away from this long winded rant is a hope that people become -aware- of this being a problem and just keep it in mind going forward in the future.

That’s…All I got really.

WOW that turned out longer than I expected…Have a cookie for making it this far!


I dunno how to do an emoji cookie…

WHATEVER you get the sentiment at least!

I apologize for the rambly-nature of this post as I will be the first to admit I am the furthest thing from a coherent speaker…But I hope I got the point across that-

  1. MG-H is never going to hold up to the standards of other servers and communities because we are, and always will be, our own beautiful madness and we like it that way.

2. We have our problems but that’s our job to figure out ourselves, not anyone else. The problem lies with us and no one is ever going to be able to just come in from nowhere and magically fix everything.

Thank you for your time and remember: Murlocs are friends, not food. ^^


Come and go, then it looks like I am neither. Because I shook the foundations enough to get people to flag posts, attempt to silence me in every way, got them to constantly name call where as not a single post of mine has done so, and brought out hostility from the admins those who transferred off MG to WrA are well aware of.

See this is where you still don’t get it, I’ve made an impact. That impact is quite clear to those who actually see whats happening, Image does not mean everything. It’s in how you uphold your firm stance that matters, the entire server could bare down on me and I will still push back.

I’m something of a revolutionary myself.


Pretending to be a victim standing up against oppression when you’re really just kind of an insufferable Karen.


Some times I really wish my name was Karen, then I could be a part of meme culture in a significant way like vegan Karen.

You really do seem to want to be significant at all costs. Maybe that’s your issue.