This video may make you cynical.
Certainly doesn’t feel like it.
Maybe I need a better phone…
I miss him, I always looked forward to watching him during the Blizzcon Opening Ceremony, he always seem to embody the joy and excitement of Wow. I know he felt it was time to retire, and most people who didn’t care would simply have left and never another word because hey, not my problem anymore…but the fact that he has spoken out shows he does still care.
They might work hard but why not make some changes that have been requested. Some are easy fixes and dont impact the bottom line. So it makes it seem like they don’t care by doing the opposite of what players want. Start with eliminating pathfinder or they deserve harsh feedback.
I would say its the fault of the top end completely for their death spiral. The graphics, sound , quests etc all look and feel great, the workers at blizz are doing a fine job.
The story I admit could be a lot better, but that’s a personal opinion.
Its you money grubbing lawyer types that need their 15 mil bonus to function , at the expense I might add of those hard working peeps that are now out looking for another job partly because of that bonus. This is what Metzen needed to address not support the crap that’s going on
He’s on the outside, so he cleary isn’t as privy to the inner workings at this point. The last thing he said he worked on was the cinematic opening for Legion, which was arguably a great time for the game.
I’m sure he kept in contact, but he’s just not as involved as he once was.
I’ll say this: I don’t care if Thrall was a self-insert, I’d happily take him back.
Your kneejerk response did not even answer the legitimate complaint of the post to which you replied.
No one is questioning Bobby Kotick’s right to want to rip off customers all he wants. Blizzard, however, had a mission statement that was about putting the gaming first, and it was seen as a special company deserving of our business because of that. Blizzard made the profits it made because it put the gaming first.
Now, Activision-Blizzard doesn’t put the gaming first - it puts the stock price first. That is lawful, but it is not the Blizzard that brought many of us to its games.
It also is a repeatedly failed strategy that has brought down many good American companies. Even this week, Activision-Blizzard’s stock price jumped initially when the stock buyback and dividend increase were announced (at the expense of customer service, goodwill, marketting and other important business functions), but that initial jump is now gone.
Of course a company can make a profit. The way that is done, however, is to have happy customers buying the company’s product!
He knows these people and he has no reason to sugarcoat anything since he is no longer a Blizzard employee. For once, just once, maybe trust that someone knows more than we do about those who are developing Wow.
Well with how BFA has been. I dont really see Ion and his team working that hard. A lot of it has to do with them not listening one bit to the community. They showed that in Beta, and continue it to this day.
Which people are those? Outside of the people in the art team responsible for building the actual game world, nobody at Blizzard really seems to be turning in their best possible work.
If they are doing their best, then that’s not a good sign, given the state of the game. A flimsy shell with a threadbare story tacked on and stuffed with virtual stamp collections to grind out isn’t what most people originally signed up for.
For the past few years, Blizzard have had a very nasty habit of attempting to coast on their old reputation while putting in the absolute bare minimum of work across all their games, as if they actually believe they’re still viewed as the Blizzard of a decade ago, and that that’s enough.
Blizzard thought Overwatch would be the next big pop-culture sensation without them actually having to do anything, and what little public awareness that game had was overwhelmingly eclipsed by Fortnite the moment that title popped up.
They’re just getting very lazy when it comes to actual content development, favouring lootboxes and microtransactions that basically cost them nothing to make, advertise or sell, and continued flailing attempts at esports at the expense of the other 99.9% of the playerbase.
Yep. He couldn’t possibly have his own thoughts. Anyone positive about Blizzard is just a shill. /eyeroll
It’s too bad Blizzard is so secretive about it’s upcoming projects.
Arent’t they working on:
2 WoW expasnions
Diablo IV
Overwatch BR
Overwatch Visual Novels
Overwatch TV
More Hearthstonage
Mobile apps that offer alternative co-existent play for PC titles.
Warcraft IV
StarCraft III
And then there’s Activison which also buys up new mobile games from smaller devs, will make some more COD.
Everything’s fine. There might be a lot more products in the market competing, but the video game industry would need a global crisis for major companies to be at risk.
As for Blizzard’s secrecy, I heard Project Titan was going to be some Super Hero MMO, if they had only let the fans know they were working on something like that, think of how hyped we get, and that hype would fuel their creativity and determination to make the game great and successful!
IDk if its just me but the mobile app that’s out there now is only good for one thing, It could have guild functionality like it used to, or other cool features. I’m in an awesome guild of people and yet when I go to work I cant stay in touch like G-Chat or something cool like that
They havent listened ever since WoD…
Or maybe he’s just smart enough not to try to fan the flames during tumultuous times?
Yes things seem pretty bad, but Metzen weighing in on things won’t help right now.
Alfred Pennyworth
Muckrackers only can muckrake when there is muck to rake.
I miss Metzen too.
he coulda took a lesser role instead of retire, wow kinda lost its dudes after him one by one.
He wanted to spend time with his family. I totally understand him retiring