Metamorphosis model size

The size when shifted is so large that you cannot even see the mob in front of you when tanking. I would honestly advocate to reduce it in some form as it just doesn’t seem practical. Anyone else feel the same.


I can agree to some degree, I think the issue is more that the model is way to modern to have a place in classic. I enjoy the old look of the game, it feels true to the wow experience and brings all this nostalgia, until a purple giant demon model from legion comes in jumping in circle.

Love the ability, but the model breaks my old man’s heart.


The model is older than you think. That meta was a lock ability back in wrath and got removed when demon hunters got added.

I do miss it on retail. It was super fun back in the day prior to demo being a pure pet class.

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As a demo lock main on WotLK, the model actually comes from WotLK.


I haven’t seen any other new model and it uses the era client so it was maybe in the game files since vanilla. Or maybe they added it for SOD idk.

Please stay in the 90s boomer.

I think the majority of people would like some graphical updates. Imagine the gamers who spend 2000$ on a gaming pc just to play a game that runs on a toaster.

They definitely need to make it more akin to classic asethetic. Along with making it smaller.

No, it’s good that it’s large and imposing.

The only problem from an stylistic standpoint is that my man the demon guy won’t stop grunting and going UNNGH MMnGH UNNGH OOOO UNNNGH every 1s while I’m tanking.

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I’d quite enjoy a dwarf sized Meta form, so as a Gnome I grow just a bit, an absolute terror for my foes.

Try zooming out or turning the camera with the left mouse button

The only older demon model would be something like this -

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It’s too big. I saw the outline of one running down the road in Duskwood and thought Stitches was coming after me.


If you want graphical update go to retail or play another game.


wait till you get 20 of them in the AH or standing around a quest hub. Its quite annoying .

No how about you stay on classic era where nothing ever changes.

I think you are in the wrong place.

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The male minion looks just as out of place too. (imo)


Yep. It’s a bit disruptive.


Wanting Retail graphics in SoD is beyond gross, that’s almost literally one of the worst suggestions I can think of. The old school look and feel is a big part of the appeal of SoD. It isn’t even nostalgia, it just has an artstyle that resonates. Retail WoW is too soft and… well I don’t want to say it but it’s kind of a good description, somewhat “soy” if you will. Dragonflight is literally about friendship. The models are too goofy.

The original art was stylized yes, but for instance the new quest line for the Void Shard works for me because the implied detail / implied grit exists.


It’s so funny coming across these in SW standing next to locks. Sticks out so bad like a sore thumb. I don’t mind the model to an extent because it’s great there’s a male version of the succubus, however it doesn’t fit the old look of classic.

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