Metamorphosis hair

There needs to be a note as to “what hair type you have and what hair you will get as a Metamorphed” as a Demon Hunter.
Currently: many of the new hair styles will force Purple for Havoc and Orange for Vengeance (Blood elf-I think NE is like purple and green). A few of the old ones will too, but some of the old ones will do the change (like red, or blonde) will give deep red or white, yet white will go straight to orange. To me this needs changed to better incorporate the new changes that were brought in game for shadowlands styling.
Or: to make it easier for us: allow in the “stylist” an option to choose between different colors of hair/tattoo style while transformed (like you have for druid forms/Worgen) so you may have it different between Meta and Elf, blindfolded or not while in meta, etc.

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