Metalwee Opening Day 1

I have started a new rogue. The goal of this character is to enjoy the game in a more creative and complete way. I want to look around the world and find the areas I missed the first time.

I am also a bit of a completionist, so part of this will involve turning over every rock and seeing as much as possible.

There are no rules for the adventure, like level caps, no heirlooms, etc. The overall intent is to have fun; when it isn’t fun, do something else.

As I go through the world, I will take pictures of things I find interesting and appreciate. These are personal in nature, but maybe others will find them interesting.

Level 10-12 Boralus and Bridgeport

  • I started by walking around and seeing some of the city. It is an amazing place with so many details put into the rooms. When I first landed off the boat there was a drunk just laying there with bottles around. Small details but set the stage for the state of the city.

  • I decided to throw a mog on and grab all the professions while I was in the area. Alchemy and herbalism are my standards because I like the effects that potions can provide.

  • I closed out the time by listening to the harbor sounds and just doing some plain old fishing to relax. I will look for a good fishing addon later.

  • I added a bunch of add-ons, but I don’t like all of them. I will review them as I go and try to land on something enjoyable but not overly produced.

  • I had some time, so I came back and played a little bit more. The opening quest chain, where you go to investigate the powder that is being mined, was crazy. It has child labor, murder, and revenge killings. Reading the quest information is insane what was put into those. It reminded me that when I was exploring around Boralus earlier I came up to an hanging that was getting ready to take place.

  • To close out the night had an amazing sky view. I don’t remember them being this pretty the first time around.

PS. Ill switch to character profile once it shows up on the list.

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