Meta comps, why go on so long?

Why has the meta continued for so long? They were quick to nerf resto shaman early in S1 but have left prot pal/disc priest untouched. Why do we have to wait until S2 for changes? Do we have some guesses on which classes and specs will be meta in S2?
Yes, my frustration with this game is showing.

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What did they do to nerf Resto Shaman? The main reason for the meta change was because Prot Paladin has defensive gaps that Disc Priests can cover better and Disc being able to do more damage than Shamans.


mostly because blizz don’t care about tanks… wether they are good or bad.

So unless their associated DPS spec do really good / really bad, in which case they can hope for stray nerf/buff … tank stay the same through the tier ( sometime multiple tier).


Generally you get a tuning patch once or twice a season and however things are after the 2nd is how the season will be.

Why try inviting an offmeta class when you know the meta works?

Unless that non meta person queuing up has super good gear and an IO score that blows everyone else out of the water, they are a liability (probably not but that’s the perception).

Cause off meta players know their class better than meta rollers and are more likely to press their buttons.

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Well I am speaking in general that public perception is more positive for a meta player to hit their buttons and have a higher perceived chance of success. I’m not saying always inviting the meta is the right thing.

We can blame streamers for perpetuating click bait tier lists. There’s definitely a trend over the years with the growth of twitch. Both of my timed +15s were with an off meta comp and probably most of my 14s. People need to go back to bringing the player and not the class.


While that is usually true, with how easy some of the fotm meta classes are, (Ret Paladin, Enhance Shaman), they can still do a ton of dps. When you see them doing so much more than just dps though, is what makes the good ones stand out.
I know you know this already, as I’m more just adding to the thread.

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They don’t like changing a meta once it hits a certain tipping point, because people who fotm reroll will get mad.

they nerfed PCT

On the scale of meta to not meta that would have no impact. Basically made one +2-11 affix harder which goes away at +12.

your question was ‘what did they do to nerf resto shaman’ and I answered with the mid-season nerf they did to shamans. I’m not trying to gauge impact of the nerf, just saying what they did do

ultimately its more that they buffed enhance shaman and made enh the best class for PI too, so all the shaman utility was now covered by enhance instead of resto

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Fair, your right.

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I think initially the hurdle was getting control of the mobs. Between Thundershock, Cap Totem and Wind Shear it brought the kind of redundant CC that could let you be loose with kick and stop application and still succeed.

Once players got their heads around that I think it became obvious that spike damage was going to be the limiting factor. Mobs like first boss in NW or minibosses in DB have abilities that can target players more times than they have cds. As a shaman I can do practically nothing for you. PW: Shield, double PS, Barrier and Rapture make a mockery of other healer’s external offerings.

The meta player you invite to your 7-10 is probably terrible. They play meta to get invited and never need to play well to find groups.

@OP at a certain point, shifting the meta is a bad thing. Early season people play random classes and pet projects. Over the first few weeks, people see what is popping off. Then balancing comes to straighten stuff out. People who will play whatever meta is, from top to bottom, reroll at this point. They WILL reroll if the meta changes so representation is meaningless.

At around the 3 month mark, blizz stops changing the meta. So no one has to reroll and leader boards can finalize.

The only way to prevent this is tuning every single week or bi-weekly, which over time would discourage rerolls. Probably not gonna happen because it draws attention away from new content.

Combating META emergence would require either embracing chaos or homogenization. Not sure the current minds want to do either.

The problem is that they haven’t done much of anything for the non-meta classes though. In Warrior’s case, we’ve seen nerf after nerf. Only a little bit of compensation after the fact, left us in a bad spot. This is even worse for WindWalker, who haven’t seen buff or nerf.

If the 5 current “meta” specs weren’t good, I got news for you… there would be a different 5 that the best players would play and everyone else would follow them like sheep and a new meta would be created very quickly. Balance isn’t the problem, people are the problem and you can’t fix that with a patch.

The class will not make a bad player good or vice versa. It’s a disservice to good players to try and point at the meta for the reason of their success. Great players are great.

I would usually agree with you, except for Ret Paladin. That one is stupid.

Thanks captain obvious, we know that. The clear problem is as I stated, Shaman being so far above everyone it’s stupid. With a lot of classes that need buffs that have not seen anything. Warrior, Monk, Shadow Priest. Three examples.

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