<Met with a terrible fate> recruiting competitive raiders for Wotlk Mon/Wed 8-12 EST

[H - Mankrik] - Met with a Terrible Fate

Semi-Hardcore+ guild formed by long-time players and with active leadership holding organized and competitive raid experience.
6/6 Sunwell - One night clears (Server #36). Recruiting players interested in split-raiding at a more competitive and hardcore level during Wrath of the Lich King.

Recruitment Needs:
Players that are happy to be pushed while pushing us as well. Raiders must be able to manage two characters at a high-level for split raiding in Wotlk. We are looking for combinations of the below main/split-alt.
1 Warlock
1 Unholy DK
1 Hunter
1 Holy Paladin

Alt Options:
Affliction Warlock
Frost Death Knight
Unholy Death Knight
Hunter is low priority but a possibility

What we’re looking for:
You commit to a Monday & Wednesday, 8pm-12 EST schedule. + Preparedness and Guild competency: Encounter/mechanics research, character up-keep including professions, gearing, and consumes, operating with a “guild-first” mentality, understanding the need for cooperative discussion, and an aim to improve week-on-week. + Folks with a sense of humility, strong work ethic, and flexibility is a must. What you’ll find: + Organized Wrath Progression plans: “You’ve met with a terrible fate [to clear all content], haven’t you?”. We look forward to continue raising our performance as a whole and aim for competitive rankings in progression, achievements, speed, and parses. + Custom Public Loot Priority / Loot Council hybrid. (Loot centric players need not apply)

Guild bank benefits including crafted gear help, free BiS/upgraded gear enchants, epic gem help, and marks for flasks/consumes. + Chill folks that care deeply about progression.

To Contact: Prefer Discord: Ganondorf#8602. In game, message: Gannonndorf Please expect to chat about your/our goals.

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Come hang out with us :smiley: it’s a great group of friends.


[H - Mankrik] - Met with a Terrible Fate

Semi-Hardcore+ guild formed by long-time players and with active leadership holding organized and competitive raid experience.
6/6 Sunwell - One night clears (Server #36). Recruiting players interested in split-raiding at a more competitive and hardcore level during Wrath of the Lich King.

Recruitment Needs:
Players that are happy to be pushed while pushing us as well. Raiders must be able to manage two characters at a high-level for split raiding in Wotlk. We are looking for combinations of the below main/split-alt.
1 Warlock
1 Unholy DK

Alt Options:
Balance druid
Other options vary lets talk

What we’re looking for:
You commit to a Monday & Wednesday, 8pm-12 EST schedule. + Preparedness and Guild competency: Encounter/mechanics research, character up-keep including professions, gearing, and consumes, operating with a “guild-first” mentality, understanding the need for cooperative discussion, and an aim to improve week-on-week. + Folks with a sense of humility, strong work ethic, and flexibility is a must. What you’ll find: + Organized Wrath Progression plans: “You’ve met with a terrible fate [to clear all content], haven’t you?”. We look forward to continue raising our performance as a whole and aim for competitive rankings in progression, achievements, speed, and parses. + Custom Public Loot Priority / Loot Council hybrid. (Loot centric players need not apply)

Guild bank benefits including crafted gear help, free BiS/upgraded gear enchants, epic gem help, and marks for flasks/consumes. + Chill folks that care deeply about progression.

To Contact: Prefer Discord: Ganondorf#8602. In game, message: Gannonndorf Please expect to chat about your/our goals.