Message of the day:

“Your guild has moved to a new realm and/or changed factions! Follow your guild to its new home by purchasing a character service in the shop. You will rejoin your guild automatically once your character service is complete.”

Assuming, of course, that we guess the right realm and faction. The message couldn’t give us a hint which realm and faction? The system has that information.

Surprised that your guild did not tell you where they were moving to. If they did not maybe they don’t deserve you.


The guild was very busy in BfA. Then the GM took a break and assigned most duties to others. The guild soon went dormant. I’ve occasionally logged into that character to farm mounts.

It just seems rather odd that the system has that information, which could auto-fill into that message, thus making that message useful.

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Does your guild have a Discord server? You could check there.

I recently moved my guild and Alts across servers and I fairly certain when I went into each Alt for the character migration, one of the options was to “follow the guild to wherever” or something similar.

Time to create your own Guild…

Of course they have this information and of course they won’t give it to you.

Spend your money and start guessing.

There’s an option to follow the guild for transfers. I think it’s the default option, actually.

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It’s not apparent from reading the message in guild chat. I mean, they do have the ability to automatically fill that information in that message.

Anyway, I figured out where they went.

I’ve done this on several servers, but since I have only one character there it’s not worth the bother.

Probably not. Aside from being a privacy issue (possibly?) I would assume the process is entirely automated and the “hey everyone left” placeholder was the best they could do. They could have changed the guild name and any character names before logging in for all the game knows. Complete speculation, though.

Personally I’d assume another member finally logged in and took control of the dead guild with an inactive guild master and transferred it so they could loot the guild bank contents but I’m somewhat cynical.

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No, I think what happened is that when the realm changed from Low Pop to New Player the GM decided to move to another realm. He has been more active in the Discord recently.

In any case, the reason my character is on that realm is because the very common name I wanted was available there. I’m not a raider, and who knows how the medium pop realm the guild is moving to will turn out?

I’ll stick with George of the Jungle.

Ah you said the leader took a break and the guild went dormant, I assumed you were basically the only one logging in to it for a while. If you still wanna play with them and know where they are but don’t wanna move, can always reroll if you got a free character spot.

Your guild doesnt use Discord?

I’m gunna be real with you chief, if your guild didn’t tell you where they were going beforehand, it’s probably not the best idea to follow them.


Good lord people

When you go to buy a transfer you’ll have an option to follow the guild to the server they moved to.

There is no conspiracy or hidden anything here.

Meh. I transferred my guild several times over the years. In all cases I kept the raid updated (or they were integral to the decision making) but random people who were just hanging out in guild because they used to know a guy on the raid team who isn’t even playing anymore? Meh. If they didn’t see the discord announcements they’ll figure it out when they get the “your guild has transferred” mail.


I was the only one logging in. But looking at the discord there is at least a little history.

The guild faded out after the end of BfA.

Actually no, I wasn’t aware of that. The message said that when you buy some character service you will end up still with your guild. To me that made no sense - as a person who has never done a transfer nor has ever done research on how it would work in this situation that has never come up with me before.

Gratz on having many years of experience with every system in wow. Not everyone has transferred many characters many times.

You might be amazed at what 30 seconds on Google will get you

…that we know of… puts on tinfoil hat

No really, I’ve been on this server since vanilla and though I did branch out over the years I’ve sat in my own guilds on both factions here largely since Cata and never done a guild transfer so I dunno anything about them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Especially if you turn safesearch off.

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Those can get the best results :wink:

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