Ysara’s story should have been done in Legion. Bringing her back over and over destroyed her cinematic from that xpac.
tyrande and tyrande together at least.
It made her death so much less impactful. That cinematic where she died used to be a powerful moment in wow.
I hate how many people complain about the lore when you can tell they don’t even know what they’re talking about and didn’t pay attention at all.
It was fine that Ysera came back, but she shouldn’t have stayed. Give your blessing for the new queen, go back to Ardenweald where you belong. Then Stormrage can come back.
Really the irritating thing for me was Ysera was always more decorated, even though she is not the aspect.
Opinion is an opinion, I just matched your toxic energy
Though, to be fair, Ysera didn’t actually do anything aside from providing moral support.
no no, you see, alexstrasza isnt allowed to die, same reason syvlanas wasnt allowed to die, they need big booba character to sell old game to teenage boys
Yeah some people just don’t know how to write stories. Here are another examples where writers had their heads in some hole.
In the story of Alexander the Great this powerful general conqures the entire Mid East (or what they call near east in Europe) then … get this … they have him die of dysentery. And if that’s not bad enough, they repeat this ending in the Henry V story.
Oh and how about the lame story where the big powerful General Paton helps the Alliance conquer all of central Europe then gets killed in a Jeep accident.
Clearly some people just don’t know how to write stories.