Merithra & Ysera

That’s why it sucked. The story being told since Ysera’s death in Legion was about Merithra learning to cope and lead after her mother’s sudden death. She never got the chance to teach her everything and pass the torch. A sad and compelling narrative, very relatable for a lot of people.

Now in dragonflight, at the precipice of her flight’s rebirth, but facing their greatest threat. Merithra with her kin rallying behind her. And her mother suddenly pops back into existence to go, “Don’t worry, guys! I got this!” Just awful, awful writing.


Tbh i legit didnt remember who this was when i saw the post title

So sure im fine with axing the character

Ao3 is that way bro if you wanna just go write your AU fanfic

I’ll come out perfectly fine as long as I pay my $15.

All of the dragons should have died for propping up an exploitative monarchy that represses their fellow dragonkin. I’m not sure why you want to single this one out in particular.

I don’t even know who that is. Dragonflight’s story was pretty much the first time I was so bored of the story, I didn’t bother even watching the cutscenes much less reading quests after like the first 20 minutes.

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Don’t get me started on Korialstrasz lol

Ysera was useless and got no-diffed by Xavius, I say letting her daughter have a crack at running things can’t hurt.

Oh no, she might nap less efficiently. The horror.


Whats Ao3

Apples of three?

Archive of our Own. Fanfic site

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If Ysera would have taken up as the aspect then Malfurion would have had to stay in the shadowlands.

…You do know that Malfurion came back right?


She was there for her successor’s character development AKA emotional support. The malfurion part was awkward.

They’ve been killing off major lore characters since forever. Game of Thrones had nothing to do with it.

Tyrande and Malfurion should have died

While true. Legions development time does check out with them clearly trying to be “game of thrones rated for teenagers” with all the deaths in the expansion.

That still doesn’t prove anything.

Its that or just one heck of a coinkidink

I was recently questing and got to the cutscenes where Ysera and Merithra have a reunion together.

It was the most wholesome moment in the entire expansion, I really liked seeing that.

I dunno, reading a post wishing that she died just feels super weird to me.


I think what I miss the most is the mystery behind the Green Dragonflight, back when I was a kid during Wrath and entering the mini forest in Dragonflight and seeing Ysera for the first time, and hearing that beautiful music.

There was always something more to the Green Dragonflight, and to Ysera and it always left me in wonder back then.

I hope for the future story-telling they’ll make Merithra have more grit and fight to her.

Nope. I just see someone who either didn’t bother to read the actual story text or is arrogant enough to think their ideas are better. Someone trying to be edgy and utterly failing. But you do you, sunshine.