Merging oce punishing NA players

played some arena yesterday and literally cannot use backstab/ambush/shred ect on OCE players (was the same team a few times)… literally felt unplayable. I guess when we queue into oce it’s a free win for them because we suffer the ping increase.


The same in reverse though, when they queue into us, they also see a 300+ ping. It’s punishing for both sides.

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I think the unsaid part is that we do not need OCE players to que with to have active arena in NA


Which is true, NA doesn’t need OCE. However, my comment was more so about OP only considering himself. I don’t think OCE wants to group with us either.

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Oce has been begging for a merge for a while

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I wouldn’t doubt it, they couldn’t even queue. However, I didn’t mean literally no one wants to queue with us. I’m sure many are grateful to even see a bg, even if they have to play at a high ping. But what about that OCE rogue tryna backstab or ambush, he’s gonna see the same sort of thing – he can’t use the abilities because it’s too laggy. Point is, it’s equally as punishing for them too, just based off the premise of lagging. It’s not like they’re seeing a 36ms ping queued into NA…

Only some.
Others have said its a disaster.

This should be opt in/out or just non-existent, imo.

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Lol only thinking of myself, huh? You’re ignorant. It doesn’t effect both sides in the same match. It picks a lobby at random to host.

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Ok so you replied to say “the opposite applies too” ? Seems unnecessary. The NA player doesnt need the OCE player to participate so I see why that would make an NA person mad.

Are doing okay? I dont care from a personal perspective, but if I was suddenly having to raid with you oceanic weirdos and it screwed up my ping id be mad too

Try to be a better person, flying off the handle attacking people for stuff you project onto them is so reddit

LOL When we’re queueing youre literally asleep dude

Remember - Blizzard is an INCLUSIVE company. BE INCLUSIVE. OCE players are part of the “NA” Region in Bnet. INCLUSION.

Lmao how unhinged

The discussion was actually about latency

Anyways, go back to being sh*tty to someone in your life that cares about you

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I am grateful for the merge, but the average OCE player is miles ahead of NA players. We beat them on their ping, no worries. They lose to us on our ping once in 20 games and it’s copium overload. The front page of is full of OCE players despite us being 1/30th of the population and playing on 200 ping.

A bit more inclusion and less discrimination against OCE players. This is Blizzzard, an INCLUSIVE company.

you guys asked for cross server arena, you reap what you sow.

I am. I just have given up caring about their complaints. This is the just deserts they get. they wanted cross server arenas. they get it now. it indeed blows. Apathy for this has taken over.

On behalf of the OCE community, I apologize for the merge. If it was the other way around and NA needed more players and OCE didn’t, OCE wouldn’t be happy either.


As an OCE player - i wouldn’t mind it if the default host server is US-West when matching between OCE and NA.

We get decent ping on US-West servers (i.e, servers that are hosted in LA) , and so do you - so i feel like this is a happy middle-ground.


More like a 20 percent chance for a Oceanic player to get a oceanic arena match

lol 1 in 10 games is on OCE ping