Merge Trade and General chat for Horde and Alliance. Allow learning of Languages

Absolutely not. Trade chat is just spam 24/7. General chat you can actually have a conversation is. Merging them would be a terrible idea.

Merging factions on trade and services? Yea.

Merging general and everything else? No:

Merging trade and general together into one? Hardest no ever.

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I think they introduced a new channel Thai expansion* called services (default is .5, I think?) and I leave that immediately.

*maybe it was SLands? I forget.

From my reading of the OP, I believe they were suggesting merging alliance trade chat with horde trade chat, and alliance general chat with horde general chat, effectively removing the faction language barrier in those channels. But not merging the trade and general chat.

Punctuation please. If you’re complaining about PvP happening in PvP, then sorry that’s life. If you’re complaining that someone may say mean stuff, then report them so they learn their lesson.

Couldn’t care less tbh :smiley:

i did use punctuation next to up and the
and i was not complaining about pvp and i put them on ignore

Most people don’t use warmode and Blizzard could just toggle it off when a player enters warmode.

Ok, so why are you using PvP as an excuse to gimp a requested feature?

what are you talking about i was rare hunting in WM as an example and like i said there will be abuse from players in WM

And you said

You’re trying to use PvP as an excuse to gimp the game further.

how did you not read what i have said. i said and ill repeat my self the player that i nuked change to the horde parked in the zone and curse me out what some people wanting is that there will be no changing over.
this will lead to more harm then good

I mean with cross realm guilds coming, I do not see why we shouldn’t be able to communicate in all chat channels going forward.

Keep the cesspool known as Trade chat as a separate channel so we all can keep it disabled and ignored.

I would guess technical issues… its the same reason we won’t ever have one faction or a replaceable default bag until they entirely revamp the engine.

No. We have factions. This isn’t ESO or FFXiV.

None of that works for general or trade chat.

Irrelevant in this day and age.

And? They swapped to your faction to do it. Who cares if they don’t have to swap to do it? Report it and move on.

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We can talk to each other through Furbolg.

Merging trade and general with alliance could have positive effect but it should be on WM off only. I don’t have to mention why, and WM on should restrict the communication between the factions.

About learning the languages, that would be great, not only between the factions but even the languages within the same faction.

Either make communication possible or make the elixir of tongues a toy with a short cooldown.

This would probably just double the amt of gold selling / carry messages I have to ignore.

I like the idea of learning other languages though, they could tack it onto Archeology possibly - that is if they ever do anything with Arch again.