Merge queues for blitz and rated bgs?

Can we merge the rated bg queue and solo blitz and also allow for more players within a group? We have a guild full of people who would love to party up.

But premades… who cares, let us play the game.

The whole point of BGB was to let players solo queue into bgs unless it was a healer with a friend. Why would you want to change that with a partial or full premade? You’re just going to stomp full solo groups 90% of the time.


Why not. If we don’t have a full 10 but have 6 or 7 we cannot play together. Who cares if you stomp solo groups.


Just delete BGB if that’s what you want. RBGs have always been rife with cheating. They haven’t been worthwhile since cata.

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No, the mode is better than Rated bgs at the moment, there are 2 groups right now looking to fill in LFG. noones playing rated bgs any more.

Good. Hopefully they kill it.

So why merge them? It would just be a way for RBG groups to exploit solo players.


I imagine they just can RBGs by next expansion.

Again who cares. the top players are already top of the ladder in blitz anyway. Its an mmo, not a single player game.

In all honesty, I guess I don’t understand your ask. What do you mean, who cares? What makes blitz fun is the fact it’s random. I wish they would make it so you can’t even queue with healers. Everyone wants an even playing field. That’s why RSS is fun. Despite the frustration they both have, being able to play against others in a rated setting on essentially the same playing field is essential.

RBGs are trash. They were ruined ages ago. I wouldn’t want any aspect of that in blitz. We need less avenues for players to exploit, not more.

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And yet they let you dual que with a healer…no imbalance issues there…lol

Its a bad take for an mmo though… group play is what makes this game. You should be allowed to queue with your buddies up to 5 people.

You’re just trying to take advantage of solo queue players, aren’t you? Come on, be better than that.


I think group play is great, but clearly there are problems with it if everyone is leaving it for solo content.


There is a big difference between queuing with a friend and then having 5-7 people queuing together.


Games dead solo play isn’t bringing it back to life they should definitely do something different

People have said this for 3v3 as well. But this quite honestly makes it worse. Have premades vs people solo queuing would kill rated PvP to be honest. You think people have frustrations now? Wait until you have full premades queuing into pug groups. Which will happen all the time if you allow groups to queue. I am sorry but solo queue modes are the only thing keeping PvP any bit active. You take that away numbers drop.

If people really want premade group modes, they are literally still there. The problem is people keep holding on to something that is dated. Even before Blitz RBGs were dead. Yes some of it has to do with lack of updates, but a lot of it has to do with the gatekeeping, cheating, toxicity, and the overall reputation (warranted btw) of the RBG community.

The excuse is solo queue modes are only more popular because they are “easier”. The problem is any PvP game with a solo queue mode that I know of, solo queue is always really popular if not the most popular way to queue.

Group play “makes the game” is such an old way of thinking. Besides the fact even if you solo queue you are still playing with a group, just not a premade one. But wanting the game to be all group play, or group play dominant especially in PvP just doesn’t cut it anymore. Things change. Your aren’t getting back your 2004 MMO again (unless you play classic).

This isn’t completely true. RSS was massive when it first launched, but lack of updates and addressing issues probably drove people away. But it still does ok considering. BGB is also, even though they are lower than I expected, pulling bigger numbers than RBGs did in DF activity wise.

This has existed since the beginning of rated battlegrounds there is zero difference. Top players are still at the top of the ladder in blitz/rated BGs and will find each other. The blitz mode would be awesome if we could allow friends to play together, just remove the old style rated battlegrounds the mode is too slow and boring, as I said - only 2 teams in LFG.

Its been the only reason for me to sub continuously to the game. Why play it if my friends aren’t playing? I would just move on to other games.

“We have a guild full of people who would love to farm pugs”

Random bgs is your option should you choose to take it. If playing with your friends is all that matters then there ya go. The outcome will be the same. Youll jump into a game with the advantage of comms while fighting a team of people arguing in chat with no comms. Bgb should remain as it is.


We do. but then the casuals quit.

A guild group in coms vs a random group. WHat could go wrong?
How on earth can that be used to mess up MMR worse than it is :rofl: :rofl: