Hello everyone. This post is a plea for help with all of our low pop servers to be merged so we have a healthier population of 50-60K. I have been a long time player who has always lived on Blackhand. It was a great, busy server back in 2008. In 2022, it is very low population (6K, Maybe?) split very nicely, at almost even, Alliance, Horde. This post is a plea for help with all of our low pop servers to be merged so we have a healthier population of 50-60K each merge. I have watched as more and more great players have left this once great server. Please Blizzard, can you merge us with more servers so we have a decent server with a great population? The more posts I get, the more Blizz will listen. Thanks people for reading.
This is a great idea! Would love to see the server more active. I wasn’t around when it was in its glory but would love to be a apart of it today! Let’s make it happen.
Agree. Came back to the game after many many years and it’s a barren wasteland on Blackhand. Getting someone to craft some bags for me takes way longer than makes sense. At some point, ignoring this issue starts to feel like an intentional push to get us to spend money on realm transfers.
Subbed and logged in to find Earthfury dead and no way to xfer without paying the man. Please merge or give us a xfer window, ty.