Merge Fire Blast and Phoenix Flames

Fire Blast
1% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant, 12 sec recharge

1 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire, Frost)
Requires level 3

Blasts the enemy for (72% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells.

Fire (Level 18)
Always deals a critical strike

Phoenix Flames
40 yd range
Instant, 30 sec recharge

3 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 60

Hurls a Phoenix that deals (75% of Spell power) Fire damage to the target and splashes (20% of Spell power) Fire damage to other nearby enemies. Always deals a critical strike.

They are redundant and the second one is waaaaay hotter (pun intended).

My solution:

Phoenix Flames
3% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant, 30 sec recharge

4 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 3

Hurls a Phoenix that deals (75% of Spell power) Fire damage to the target and splashes (20% of Spell power) Fire damage to other nearby enemies. Always deals a critical strike. Castable while casting other spells.

Then get rid of the Flame On talent.

Flame On
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 60

Reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast by 2 seconds and increases the maximum number of charges by 1.

Watcha think?

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The travel time of Phoenix flames is gonna mess up converting your HU to HS.


I’ve been using both and did not notice any delay or problem. :thinking:

Phoenix’s Flames arrives after Fireball, not before, and has a considerable impact delay relative to Fireball and Pyroblast. If you have a HU and cast Fireball+Phoenix’s Flames, the Fireball will land first and the PF, landing second and late, will not impact close enough to Fireball’s impact to prevent Fireball from munching your HU proc.

It’s always been an awkward spell to use.


I think I get what you are saying, but the way I use it is like this:
I open with hardcast Pyroblast, then if I proc Heating Up, Phoenix Flames/Fire Blast, if not, start the Fireball rotation. I don’t think that I’ve ever missed a Hot Streak nor had problems with Fireball consuming HU before PF hits. I might be wrong, but I think PF travel time is faster than Fireball.

The only way you can do that, is by delaying your casts to see if HU procs, and that’s a no-no for casters. Always be casting (ABC).

And no, Fireball’s travel time is faster than Phoenix Flames.