Fire Blast
1% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant, 12 sec recharge1 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire, Frost)
Requires level 3Blasts the enemy for (72% of Spell power) Fire damage. Castable while casting other spells.
Fire (Level 18)
Always deals a critical strike
Phoenix Flames
40 yd range
Instant, 30 sec recharge3 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 60Hurls a Phoenix that deals (75% of Spell power) Fire damage to the target and splashes (20% of Spell power) Fire damage to other nearby enemies. Always deals a critical strike.
They are redundant and the second one is waaaaay hotter (pun intended).
My solution:
Phoenix Flames
3% of base mana, 40 yd range
Instant, 30 sec recharge4 Charges
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 3Hurls a Phoenix that deals (75% of Spell power) Fire damage to the target and splashes (20% of Spell power) Fire damage to other nearby enemies. Always deals a critical strike. Castable while casting other spells.
Then get rid of the Flame On talent.
Flame On
Requires Mage (Fire)
Requires level 60Reduces the cooldown of Fire Blast by 2 seconds and increases the maximum number of charges by 1.
Watcha think?