put them in one city. there’s literally no point to that many elves. an elf is an elf. i don’t care if it lives in a tree or of it drinks magic steel reserve.
Merge undead into the ground where they belong.
No thanks. The reason elves are apart to begin with is several exiles by other elves. It won’t work.
Too many elves.
I mean, they are talking about uniting the tribes of Elves… I didn’t even know Elves had tribes…
The irony of the human talking about there being too many types of elves.
Fun fact. Gnomes are also elves. They’re a member of the long lost Gnome’dorei tribe.
Good ol Gnol’thelas. The beautiful spired mechanical city.
I’m just hoping that if they continue giving us new iterations of elves we’ll eventually have something that isn’t a trainwreck model and animation wise.
It’s actually possible the blood/high elves will be sustained by a tree similar to the nightborne concerning the destruction of the sunwell for midnight. Even some druidic essence in the fruit.
The problem with that is the ground tends to spit them back out. It’s best to incinerate them instead.
Cremation of a lifetime. You’re right.
Full of Gnolls apparently…
lol this bothers you how exactly?
Merge Undead, Humans, and Kul Tiran into one city. There’s literally no point to that many humans. A human is a human. I don’t care if they are twisted by primal magic or brought back from the dead
It was just a choice of words. A tribe just means a group. Personally I would have said “factions”, since that tends to be used more in the context of political groups. But maybe they thought that would be muddling because it’s the term they use for the horde and the alliance.
Found the offended elf.
merge yukongold into a masher.