Mereldar Fishing Derby Nerf

So the fishing derby in Hallowfall was giving 25 Derby Marks for the quest completion each week, that was until the event today where it only gave 3?

From the hotfixes a couple of days ago, this seems to be an intentional decision, but surely this was made for repeat-completions on alt characters, right? So your first completion per week would get 25 and further completions would only get the 3? Please change it back to be 25 marks for the first completion.


For many people this looked more like a bug because of how big and negative this decision seems to be. Personally I didn’t bother doing it this week because of it.


I also did not bother participating last Saturday it is just such a hefty nerf that it isn’t worth it .I am hoping it is a bug and not intended as it is diametrically opposed to Blizzard’s new direction of respecting players time. I am hoping it is fixed since it did feel worth doing for 25 marks a week and slowly make progress on cosmetics.