Greetings Dalaranians!
Merci (Alliance) is looking for casual members as well as tanks/healers/dps for our raid team! No, we are not French, but rather were named after the candy! Merci has been around since before Legion, however we were mostly semi casual players at that time. After a long break of the game, we started again in the end of BFA gaining our first AOTC after defeating Nzoth! We have obtained AOTC on every raid so far and look to obtain AOTC again this raid tier.
We are currently raid on Mon/Wed 9PM-11:30PM ET and are 7/11 Normal! We also dabble into PVP and are heavy into M+. Majority of our raiders obtain 2k+ raider IO each tier.
Now I know some people want more than what we push, and that is fine. If we can assemble a solid raid group, we may even venture into Mythic raiding or big boy keys for that 3k raider IO! We are majority casual players who like to have a good time, goof off and be serious when we need to be.
If you have any questions, please feel free to respond here or message Sharkqweesha as well as Dalethir in game!
No, we don’t have a website, bummer I know but we aren’t that hardcore. If you want to join a pretty laid-back guild who pushes some content, then look no further!
bump! We are still recruiting! Currently in need of healers and dps for the current raid tier! Come chill, gear up, push content and keys with us!