Mercenary Mode is a must

That’s great and all but just pvers do not matter in the slightest as long as they aren’t qing bgs.

It could be 99% alliance and 1% horde and if no alliance qs then the horde will have a q time. It doesn’t matter who is the majority overall. It matters who is the majority in a certain aspect of the game, which is pvp. Give alliance incentives for pvp specifically and you’ll see this fix.

Giving them xp increase isn’t going to do this.

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Horde is the majority in all aspects of the game.

Not sure if you play retail or not, but alliance has just as much problem in pve there as it does in pvp (maybe even worse.)

My suggestions were a grab-bag. Take some, take all, or just take one (or none.) But the problem of more horde than alliance will only get worse as we go thru the classic expacs, and the retail ones as well.

I’m hardly seeing the issue in terms of pve for alliance like… at all lol. Where are you getting this information? Alliance have been historically known to be the bread winner in pve servers and all data has shown this as well.

If you play with some of the various settings you will see that there are more Horde posting logs than Alliance in all regions, for TBC. Logs are for raiders.

Yes, its possible that there are some pvp’ers that only pvp, and never post warcraftlogs. Those players are vast majority Horde, and yet they don’t show up in this data… which means that the overall pop numbers are even more skewed towards Horde.

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Alliance got server transfer PCT one expansion early cause phase 2. Stay woke horde brothers; we will get this PCT of faction change one expansion earlier.

But mercenaries don’t take. We share. Don’t you wanna share. Let us join you. Join. Join. Greater good. Greeeeaaaaater goooooood.

lol for real Horde will be wanting that EMFH real soon. Less than a year away now if tbc lasts as long as vanilla.

This has already been disproven in retail.

In retail Alliance players already have:

  • “enlistment” +50% honor buff
  • super fast queues

…and still the Horde queue times have remained consistently higher since around Legion or so :joy:

The crux of the matter is that Alliance players are just not as “into” PvP compared to Horde players, for whatever reason.

The extra “incentives” and short queue times are still not enough to convince a lot of Alliance casuals to hit that “join battle” button/sign up to BGs.

That’s the only explanation I can think of for Horde queue times staying high for multiple years in a row.

You are very much blaming everyone else for the choice you made. You had plenty of source material to go by that told you well ahead of time this would be an issue. You chose to stay and then complain about it. You are absolutely at fault here. I play Mankrik and there are a lot of things that due to overwhelming population size is a bit more difficult for me, however I accept I made the choice to play here and I accept those difficulties. Dance around it all you’d like, this is old content with more than enough analytical data from over 15 years ago with the same plight in Classic with multiple red flags you personally ignored. Blizzard is not at at fault for this.

How is it possible to be this ignorant?

The reason “Alliance just aren’t into pvp” is because Alliance PVPers went Horde. All of the incentives to go Horde enticed the vast majority of the Alliance players to switch sides… and NOW you want to add in the nail in the coffin to get the remaining Alliance pvpers to leave. It’s not that “Alliance just isn’t a pvp faction” - its that bandwagoning has led to an extremely toxic imbalance where people are practically forced to go bandwagon to be on a level playing field.

It’s not an Alliance issue - things were pretty well balanced before the toxic bandwagon culture led to everybody switching to the red team. The issue is that all of the incentives are to go red team.

The solution to this issue is less bandwagoning, not putting the final nail in the coffin to truly make this a 1 faction game. Blizzard should consider bringing H -> A transfers. They should flip the bird to anybody asking for Merc Mode / HvH BGs because that’s absurdly selfish


Thread is a joke. Horde will just have to deal with it.


These statements are not entirely true, and not only that-they are only at times situationally true. Put another way, those buffs aren’t always active.

Also another misconception. The actual answer is too many people play horde.

The end. There is no other punctuation needed because that is the only factual statement to be made. Your guess work as stated here:

Is completely irrelevant.

Too many of you play horde. Mystery solved.

Hunters had a dead zone in Vanilla. It was a design flaw and Blizzard admitted it was a bad design and changed it in TBC. If you rolled a Hunter in Classic, you knew you were going to deal with the dead zone. It wasn’t like Blizzard was going to step in and fix it.

You rolled Horde. You and every other Horde whining on these forums KNEW that you’d have long queue times. Whether it’s a design flaw or not is irrelevant. That’s the way it is and you knew what to expect. So either man up or play another faction.


None of this is proving to me that alliance need any more pvers tbh. 45/55 is pretty decent. No one is arguing that horde have too many players across all realms. I’m saying the main problem is there’s too many horde players who go horde for pvp. Pve doesn’t matter and if you even just look at pve realms specifically alliance has it by quite a large margin, so pve specific players don’t need more alliance which is my point.

That’s cool.

You’re point is misguided, and you are mistaken, but that’s cool.

But yea either way Merc Mode is a no-go.

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why is it a no-go

Because I’d rather not be horde here and literally every single premade in the game is either gonna be Alliance or a merc’ing horde group.

mercing to me just means horde can play against eachother just like we do in arena with zero problems or moaning?

That is literally not what it means.

Umm… No. HELL NO!