Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness month and I would like to take a second to thank that person that gives pause and thinks for a moment that someone on the other side of the screen might be struggling and chooses to be a little more kind.

Have a good month! Give yourself that day off if you need it.


A friend of mine took his own life due to mental health issues.

I’m always here to have a conversation.

WoW players are my people!


I don’t even gotta look at the other side of the screen to find someone lmao


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I struggled with mental health for years. Still do, sometimes. Sometimes I feel like a shell of a man, useless and underwheling, uncontributing to anything. But I know, now, that’s not true. Some days are better than others.

Just gotta keep moving. I may s**tpost the forums often, but in truth, the WoW community has been my community since 2007.

Thanks, friend.


It is also brain tumor awareness month. Having been through both, I fully support this post! <3


Local schizophrenic here to say thank you. :3 There’s all sorts of folks on the other end of the screen. We’re all doin our best. :heart:



It’s that last part that is key. Empathy doesn’t seem to be a thing anymore. When people see someone else struggling they do everything they can to make it worse.

If you’re one of those people who feeds off the suffering of others, you need to take care of your own mental health, because you’re filling a chasm with trolling and hatred, and one day it will catch up with you if you don’t get help to address it.


Heckin love those two. Iconic old married couple there. Gender unspecific

Diagnoses at best just give other everybody involved an idea of what they’re dealing with. Things can fall outside of that and when they do it gets confusing.

Good mental health can be such a fragile thing. Just remember telling people with actual depression or anxiety “just don’t worry” is not really that helpful. These people already know that’s what they’re supposed to be doing but it can be impossible (speaking from limited experience). The right kind of support is key.


Good mental health also plays such an important role in our physical health. It’s a bit sad doctors are only catching onto this now, but at least we are finally realizing. Health is more than just food, fluids and sleep. Health is feeling safe, feeling loved and feeling worthy.

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This 1000%.

Trolls and online bullies don’t realize that they’re building a dark little garden around themselves with their behavior.

At some point the grass will become too high. And anyone who’s been lost in the tall grass or a cornfield knows what that’s like.

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Most are aware.

Unsubscribe and play Zelda is the best mental health you can get

I’m not the one who leaves keys first as a Healer. But I’m a sensitive player as maybe many healers are. And insulting Healers which try to keep you at live at all matters is hurting. As I spend most of my free time in WoW instead of having friends, it hurts mentally if toxic behavior against healers occur

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Never take everything on your shoulders if you have close ones who have mental health issues, seek help.

Everyday is a struggle, so much one could say.