"Memory of Northrend" (Warbound) disappears from Warband Bank

I put several “Memor[ies] of Northrend” in my Warband bank, but I cannot access-- let alone see-- them on my alt when looking in my Warband bank.

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I had this issue. when I mailed them to my main it said I couldnt hold more than 20. once I deleted the number I had over 20 from my existing stacks I could loot them from the mail. I assume you cant even see them in the warbank unless it will be <=20

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I have also lost all 3 Memory items from my bank… they where there when I logged off and after the patch they were gone… wth? I was almost done with them too…

Update: I was able to see them when I logged into the last character to make a deposit, took them out and mailed them to my main

I also had this issue. I have 17 on character A, 7 on character B. Character B put them in warbank, A can’t see them. So B broke them into two stacks, 3 and 4. A can see the stack of 3 but not the stack of 4. The scariest part: B sees the warbank is full, no empty slots. A sees an empty slot. I put something in the empty slot on A and it appeared to work. I was afraid to log out and leave it like that though. What would have happened when I logged in on B? Stack of 4 gone? Last thing A put in gone? Random item gone? Total crash? Free extra storage? Create an extra dimension? I was afraid to find out.

Additional note: before I did the above testing, I did a full UI reset because I wondered if my bag addon was doing it. Nope. The above happened post UI reset, with no addons put back in place.

I don’t know if this happens with other Memory of XYZ - the Northrend ones are the only ones I have more than 20 of so far.


This is wonky

Just posted about this same issue.

It only happens with unique items that have a stack limit.


Same, this is infuriating. I JUST got enough to make the heirloom ring, went to go withdraw the other memories from my warband…and I’m missing 7 from one stack and the other stack of 20 were just GONE!

EDIT: OMG it’s so much worse than this, I’m missing several pieces of the new prepatch gear from the event…

It’s official, I’m a vanilla player and I’ve NEVER seen this game in such a buggy condition for so long before. I mean, of course patches are buggy, but those BIG bugs usually get fixed in a day or two.

It’s been 8 days and I’m still missing mounts, achievements, WHOLE CHARACTERS, and now items from the warbank…

Yeah, 16 Memory of Northrend are GONE from my Warband bank. I have 6 that I received on an alt and now cannot collect any more from the Northrend activities…

Which is why the 16 in the bank seem to have disappeared. They haven’t – they’re just invisible to any alt for whom those 16 would put the character over the 20 limit (like your character’s 6 in the bag).

It’s a weird bug – hiding the item instead of just not letting you put the oversized stack into your bag. But if you pare your alt’s bag collection down to 4 (in that case), so that your total is 20 (16 in WB bank, 4 in bag), the 16 should become visible and lootable.

At least, that’s my understanding from reading the assorted other threads about this particular bug.

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I had the same issue. They disappeared in the bank to all except the character who deposited them, so I tried mailing them instead. At that point I couldn’t loot them out of the mail so I sent them back, but then still couldn’t loot them from the original owner/sender which was a bit funny.

I had to delete the extras. This probably should be changed. The results are a little too wonky when it’s set to unique (20) it seems.

I had the same issues with other unique items. Opened a ticket and got a bull s* response.

My solution:

  1. i removed the item still visible on one toon.
  2. logged into another and a missing item was now visible on that toon.
  3. repeat.