The quest mob for killing Memory of a Traitorous Sister Slain is bugged and stuck at 91 percent health and permanently evading
I am also seeing this on Elune US
Same on Gilneas
Happening on Moon Guard as well.
Also happening on Malygos-US. Memory of a traitorous sister is stuck at 20% health and is evading everything.
Also experiencing this on Wyrmrest Accord.
It just happened to me as well. She runs back and is stuck at the gate doing her NPC actions with the lasers.
It is bugued right now. I am experiencing this bug. pls fix asap.
Bugged on Garona now
MalGanis she is stuck at 4% I’ve opened a ticket but nothing. Please fix
It’s been 19 days since this post was made and it’s still an issue. Has there been any address for this yet? This is a storyline quest. Please fix.
Same on Argent Dawn EU, stuck at 17%, Evades all attacks and remains locked in a spell animation connecting 2 beams.
while filling out my BUG Report, I was killed by the adds in this room. I was having the exact same issue. I rezzed and ran back into the room and targeted the Traiterous Sister and all the adds came along and I was able to kill her that time after way too many attempts.
Still glitched on KhazModan with the Traitorous Sister stuck at 48%… 6/17/23
Stuck on Rexxar too
Still bugged on Sen’jin, as of 07/03/23. I have the other two characters finished, only this one remains. I’ve logged out and back in, abandoned and reacquired the quest, and killed the Memory of an Attacker many times, but cannot get the Traitorous Sister to budge.
July 8th and still broken
July 17th and still broken on Nesingwary.
I just used nearby mobs to explode on her upon death. This DID kill her, but did not grant credit. Then you can kill her on respawn.