Melee Main

Since BC I have always played ranged dps. Just looking to start a melee character, which melee class is good in both PvE and PvP? Also fun. Looking for opinions.

Fury Warrior is a pretty grand time right now.


Fury, and welcome to the melee uga buga family.


Ok fury it is! I was leaning that way anyway. Thanks guys.

there are also classes like hunters, druids and shamans where you can easily swap from melee to ranged if you ever get bored of a playstyle

I’ll never understand why people want to play melee who arent the tank.

All those extra mechanics. Lost DPS time from running in and out. Stacking things like sanguine and storming. Its just bad for business.

Try SV hunter. You have pet and you’re in melee. It’s the most fun melee spec

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It’s fun to wail on things and have no wind-up time. Going through Torghast with a mage friend I was destroying things before he could barely get casts off. (BM hunter is the one answer to that, of course.)

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And you can easily switch back to a ranged spec if you get tired of playing in melee

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Don’t pick a class based on what’s currently good, pick based on what you find fun.

Do not pick specs only because they are good now. Blizz might nerf or change things so you can spend more time changing main.

There’s never a “best race” and the closest to always be on top is fire mage.

But I heard Survival Hunter is good, and Fury is amazing (though I find Arms more appealing than Fury).

  • but don’t count on getting pug invites.

The point of this post is you shouldn’t let other players stupidity be a limiting factor on your decisions.

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I enjoy Arms in PVE and PVP