Melee mage/warlock, how would this work?

For me it would be nice. I could collect transmogs on one character. Or switch to another class I would like to play and gear up the spec that maybe is not very popular in pugs.

In other games like overwatch I tend to flex queue pick all the roles for faster queues, I usually end up tanking, then healing is less frequent, dps is like very rare but usually a backfill.

If I can gear my warlock faster by playing like a holy or disc priest that would be nice. It’s something I already do for like shadow priest.

All 3 could dw too at launch.

Too bad they killed that kind of mechanics in cata.

It is slang in WoW for a melee arcane user. Spellblade is another. They are generally the same thing.

They can explain it in different ways, like battlemages prefer to mix martial ability with magic, or they feel it takes too long to conjure that fireball and prefer to fight with more agility in their style. If they design battle mage specs with sheilds in mind they could create lore that they have arcane runes on the back of the sheild they can activate for close range devastation, thus letting the game to finally having a true official sword and board dps spec in melee.

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I know. I’m just saying that spellblade looks more on point because every class is a battle class, so battlemage feels like a redundant name. But I get the point you’re making.

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True I guess. At any case they could also name the class spellbreaker too, but that would feel limiting. They can also use the DnD class name Magus too which is from 5e.

Enhance Shaman
Ret Paladin
Survival hunter
Unholy Death Knight

WoW has plently Mid-Close range “Spell blade” classes.

we need a new range class that we have never gotten since WoW started adding new classes. Give us Tinkers.

I despise what they did with survival hunter. I really don’t want to see two more classes go this route.

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Melee Warlock has a simple answer: Turn Demonology into a permanent Metamorphosis demon with Guardian Druid-like melee abilities plus Vengeance DH-like aoe abilities.

And deleting a spec is still not the answer. Totally could be a 4th though, maybe that’s an insurmountably better idea.

No thanks. Arcane should stay casters that manipulate the fabric of reality.

Counterpoint: don’t do this this. I love Demonology as is.

I assume they likely to use Shadow magic to eat away at any known heat source, freezing and compacting moisture residing in the air to fabricate constructs of their liking; giving the illusion of conjuring weapons and armor made out of solid ice out of nowhere.

I assume they wear a mixture of cloth and plate; attempting to mimic Silverhand Nobility. The primary reason Scholars would mimic a superstitious Order is far beyond my conclusions.

Relax and take this with a grain of salt, it’s merely a hypothesis.

I can see it this way. Battle mages/Battle Warlock specs. Warlocks have to forgo their pets in order to buff themselves BUT they will be able to generate specific abilities via baseline ability like Grimoires (With actual benefits if they do, not increased shadow damage crap). Some could more damage, procs instant cast abilities, some pets could help increase self healing/damage or some other utility alongside different spells.

As for Mages
 I can’t really say, we basically have one who’s basically just like Enhancement Shaman.

Its kind of bland and not too well thought out for me IMO but I imagine at least for Warlocks to be in that direction.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the concept of arcane. But I think they do a very poor job of meeting that description. What do they have that really fulfils that fantasy? Slow, Time Warp, Alter Time. That’s not a lot. And only one of those spells is even exclusive to the spec. The rest is just purple magic.

I feel like they should really emphasise the reality warping idea. Arcane blast at one point could have slow talented as a passive effect. That should come back baseline. The wizard in D3 has slow time as a massive aoe bubble. That would be cool. How about the ability to teleport the enemy away? How about some kind of effect around the area we blink to, like a side effect of our ripping a hole through space? What about aoe polymorph?

Also, arcane charges. This is just such a tedious mechanic. It adds nothing good to the gameplay. I would happily see that done away with.


If you don’t have a 4 pc, Arcane mage plays pretty much as close to melee as possible.

Yeah, they are. They’re plate wearers that melee and cast spells. Literal definition of a battle mage.

I think my main complaint about removing pure DPS would be that those playing them would start getting asked to tank or heal since they suddenly can. It might sounds silly but it’s nice to be able to preclude those expectations.

Are paladins battle mages too?


There’s a reason those two classes can be silenced.

Enhancement Shaman, also a battle mage. Battle mages are characters that specialize in close combat magic. If you’re melee and casting spells, you’re a battle mage.

Honestly it would be comical seeing 5 DPS argue about who’s going to heal and who’s going to tank.

If you want to be a warrior just reroll one