Melee Leeway needs to go

Yes, and I really hope they don’t change our hotbox even if they reduce the clownish leeway window.

I am a tauren warrior same as I was back in TBC. I remember being able to clip at an angle throught the pillar with attacks while chasing people. Straight through though? Never tested it, but this also only tauren vs tauren that these clips are showing.

They have not changed the range given by leeway in over 15 years. It has always been 2.66 yards. The chance that it is altered is tiny.

didnt they already say leeway was going away in tbc?


Spell batching is effectively gone, which is probably what you’re thinking about.

I will say it feels weird in classic. Maybe has something to do with the recreated batch window? I remember them saying that was hard to remake.

Our hotbox feels fine, and I do remember hitti g through pillars just not to the extent we are seeing in beta. Again though. Never tested that specifically, just played a lot of arena in 08’.

oh, in that case, leave it in so im not having to be ontop of people as enhance to kill them LOL

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Yes exactly. Leeway feels different in Classic because of how it interacts with the batch window. In effect, spell batching is giving an extra pseudo-leeway that stacks on top of the regular leeway effect. But the actual Leeway itself is the exact same it has always been.

Tauren arent busted with a bigger hitbox it just makes them competitive with other races in PvP , most of us dealt with being considered a meme in classic , investing in edgemasters and maining Tauren with the anticipation of TBC arena and the “no changes” sentiment had us feeling safe, it feels bad because so many mechanics are going untouched such as Novas never breaking , arcane missles shooting through pillars , rogues sapping targets in combat , at the very least if they are ganna change tauren hit box and nothing else atleast make it a game wide change not only in arena , now were stuck grinding honor and spending countless practice time with our normal hit box but in arena where it actually matters its shrunk down, can i just play the game with the same hitbox in all content?? at the very least? its insane to me

Did you just necro a subject just to slap a bad take onto it in a wall of unformatted text?

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did you just necro a reply to slap weird pointless poorly formatted question on it? how bored are you

Wait… in TBC BETA?

no, idk about that. i was talking about first time through. i think all hitboxes were normalized in original TBC at some point.

Well they really need to do that. IMO at least also reduce leeway on both melee and spells considerably.

They were normalized in Wrath.

This video was uploaded on patch 2.4.3

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