(Melee Hunter) Tranquilizing Shot in Melee for Raid Utility

Its awesome we have Melee Hunter as a viable spec in SOD. However, there are issues when you are the lone hunter in raid.

Tranquilizing Shot is a Raid Utility spell that is needed on the following Raid Bosses.

MC: Magmadar
BWL: Chromaggus, Flamegor

Tranquilizing Shot maintains its classic functionality of having a deadzone where it is only usable 8-35 yards from the Target.

Which means for an entire 50% of Hunter playstyles we need to lose 3-4 globals to run away from the boss until we are at 8 yards and Tranq shot and run back in. This can cost us 400+ dps and feels bad to play, especially if we are playing a trap playstyle against bosses with large hit boxes.

Updating Tranquilizing shot to be usable in melee range like Kill Shot provides raid utility and support to the Melee playstyle implemented in SOD. It has negligible impact in PVP as this is mostly a raid PVE spell.

Please consider updating this for Phase 5 so 25%+ of your hunter players aren’t ruining their rotation to Tranq for raid and more importantly losing their fun on those bosses.

Thank you!


I support this!

The man is right!

Agreed, would be an important utility in raids!

I support this so i lose fewer globals to lazy melee hunters not backing out to tranq.


Great suggestion!

100% approved

Make this happen!

I agree with everything you said. I’m the only Hunter on my team right now. It’s not very fun having to run out from a boss with a massive hitbox to Tranq.

(PS pls add HoJ to Reals vendor ty?)

Don’t worry blizzard gives you a bunch of speed boats instead of just adding disengage