Melee Hunter Feedback - Living Post

Yeh i know what you mean.

I unfortunately dislike melee weaving, however, I’m hoping there is room in the future for both.

Yeah - it might be worth distinguishing between BM and survival here. I’m mostly referring to the survival build. The BM build is the RNG one and I don’t think that one’s going to see much weaving.

If Blizzard isn’t comfortable bringing a knock back into the game (I still think it would be cool), then they can simply include into this new strike ability that for 5 seconds after using it, all ranged abilities ignore their minimum range. This would be a lot less cool than a knock-back, but would at least make the ranged abilities useable in open world and PvP.

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Read this post. This is the way to go:

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Considder giving all hunters TSA baseline and allowing ranged hunters to still spec into improved TSA, so that all hunters can bring TSA in some form to the raid.

Traps in combat needs to be baseline for anyone to want to spec down to WS, which is basically nullifying trap related talent points in the survival tree for a 31-point rune that competes with trap launcher, no question, 100%. This allows for trap launcher to still be valuable but not required for a melee build.

I think Wyvern Strike is going in the right direction, but an effect to the DOT in the vein of what they are giving rogues here would make much more sense and would justify a raid spot for a melee hunter.

(Coats a weapon with poison that lasts for 30 minutes.
Each strike has a 30% chance of poisoning the enemy for 108 Nature damage over 12 sec and causing the enemy to take 2% increased non-Physical damage. Stacks up to 5 times on a single target.)


Hmmm, no coz then people will choose whichever hunter does the most damage. If Survival Hunter does more dps than BM and MM and they all bring the same 200 AP with TSA then MM hunters won’t get raid spots.

If MM is the top dps, then they will be the chosen ones. What this would do is force Blizzard to keep the dmg of all 3 specs VERY close to each other, which is actually pretty hard to do.

I think a better solution might be to give BM hunters Ferocious Inspiration from TBC (3% crit to the whole raid after your pet crits). You can literally tie it to the Cobra Strikes rune. Then MM will have TSA. And then, I think that aspect of the lion should become a talent point deep down in the Survival Hunter tree. (unless they plan on bringing out more 10 man raids in the future).

That way, ideally, every raid wants to bring 1 MM, 1 BM and 1 Survival Hunter. Something of that nature.

this is correct. All of this could’ve been fixed if they just made Surv a melee tank spec to fit the 20+ tank talents it has. it also wouldnt have to compete with the 2 other dps specs it has.

I dont speak for the entire “hunter community”, but I don’t want to tank as a hunter. I really love the 2H range weaving thing they’re doing. I just want to see it be more powerful and a little better movement/cc.

Check out Bousted’s post titled “Hunter Redesign Suggestions”. I think that has real potential.

This is the best redesign for hunter that I’ve seen since SoD started.

You certainly don’t speak for anyone in the hunter community.


You’re welcome to make your own post, mate. That’s the beauty, say what you want and let’s see which ideas rise to the top.