Melee Hunter are going to be no1 DPS

After reading Aggrend’s latest post about his design philosophy on classes with utility,
It seems like they’re making melee hunter the highest output dps class since we have absolutely no utility at all.

Mhunter’s back on top lads (where we belong tbh)

Great choice wow team, love your work.

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They uhhh…

Have more utility than most classes, actually.

But even then, you may be right. All the utility and buffs aside, hunter does only have access to one role so it’s reasonable for them to be the best at it. Historically this has not been the case, but SoD could be different.

(I am being extremely hopeful here)


I thought you guys were all gonna go get spell power sets and turtle pets to become the ultimate utility class by pet tanking the boss and healing it with mend pet weaving

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No. Hunter objectively has the worst kit in the game right now at 50, and it’s even worse off on the PTR.