Melee DPS is harder than ranged. /duck

aww yeah, spamming SWP does tons of damage

perhaps its being immobile as a lock i have a little exp raiding on my rogue. I FEEL (please note that word) that ranged get more mechanics than melee but this is from BFA backwards… i havent touched any tier in SL (i do not count LFR)

Plus melee do damage when moving… many caster really don’t.

Which should never be needed because of tricks.

This war is full of it and is better to just ignore ignore him.

lmao this right here brings me joy to see how triggered you’ve got now. You will have more APM as melee because you dont have a cast time, that doesnt mean a spec can or cannot be more busy than the other. You again assume that I do something that I do not. Simply calling out melee not being as hard as some put it really struck it hard with you. Melee will always have a high APM or do you want to sit there and auto attack all the time? Frost Mage has almost has much as Outlaw and do you think Frost Mage is difficult?

Trying to compare frost mage to outlaw is a losing battle for you.

Out of the two the outlaw rotation is harder and less forgiving and you have way more things to track than frost does.

Both have pros and cons.

Melee lose dps on move out mechanics like traps on painsmith.

Ranged lose dps on heavy movement

Trying to compare the two is apples to oranges.

His logic was solely on APM and I was pointing out both have almost the same APM. The whole point of this conversation was to point out that both melee and range are damn near similar and have problems of their own and both compensate each other for that reason. Not every soldier was a foot soldier and not every foot soldier was a archer.

OP is right so we need to bring back melee cast times.

We do?

BM hunter smugness +1

What? Look, we don’t have a lot going for us, so we take what we can get.

I thought this was obvious, for PvE at least.

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