Melee DPS is harder than ranged. /duck

Everyone is the hero of their own story, including when being the hero means “my life is harder than yours”.

And it is clear that the OP does not know how to play melee.

Hmm,avoid a wide area aoe,yeah,just do a dance of pivots and be ok. Not likely when your setting a build up in rotations.

It’s pretty simple to prove which is harder…a ranged main swapping to melee will have a much harder transition than a melee to ranged would…i’m not sure how anyone could even argue that without just flat out lying


I hear blink is a thing my friend.
And some ranged have a cooldown that lets them move without interrupting their casts, so um yeah.

I think he is arguing just to argue at this point.

You cannot compare the two unless you have the control as follows:

  • The person comparing has THE EXACT SAME ability in ALL ranged and ALL melee classes.
  • The person comparing has a good understanding of the WHOLE BASIC gameplay skills needed.
  • A whole lot of static data is gathered to bank “the person’s feelings” about it.

Otherwise, it always can rest in your ignorance of melee, ranged, both, either, or the game itself.


But you said pivots and not blinks ,two blinks only not three .Yes,some ranges have more mobility than others but they have cd to worry about.

You can watch any stream of high end content of either mdps or rdps and clearly see who has more APM.

Streamers are just people who publish their playing. They might be as ignorant of the game as any other person.

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I think the most telling thing here is.
If you’ve ever raid lead, and your healers are under geared or inexperienced, you stack as much range as you can to lighten the burden on your healers.


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Fighting a big boss? Lotsa players? Ranged is easier.
Surrounded by mobs? Solo? Melee rules.
Lotsa mobs? Go tank.

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All is good in the lands of “forum warriors”, and you might see all these “my life is hard” posts.

Meanwhile, people are soloing up to date M+19.

Almost all points risen by the OP are clearly lack of knowing how to handle things, not an inherent flaw of being a “melee” or “ranged”.

And stating “melee” or “ranged” to talk about things that arent related to their overall characteristics is just non-sense.

Playing a Mage is completely different than playing a Warlock if you are good at either.
Playing a Warrior is completely different than playing a Paladin if you are good at either.

If you know how to play any class really well, you know that. You dont, if you dont.


I agree, and since this is an team effort there is no just melee or range has the hardest,the team has it hard when all of it doesn’t work out.

I find melee “easier”, and when I say easier I’m only referring to rotations since my rotation as melee isn’t going to be interrupted when I move (f hunters).

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I agree, because I have played other classes, and the only one I feel 100 percent comfortable is Mage as I’ve played that since 2005.

I can play a rogue too, but I’ll never be as good as it as mage because of what you said.

Agreed with this. If neither is doing anything and just tunnelling ranged is safer but if there’s a job that needs to be done cya hunter /ranged.

There’s a reason ranged dps make excellent raid leaders. They can see everything and don’t have boss butt in their face or hp bars to stare at.


Ranged is definitely easier than melee. I don’t do my PVE on a BM Hunter because I’m looking for a challenge, I do it because I can screw up almost constantly with my positioning and still avoid stuff without my DPS suffering too much for it. lol


I haven’t seen the biggest proof that rDPS is INCREDIBLY easier than mDPS:

It is the fact that rDPS … play “ranged” at all. Because you don’t have to. You could stand in melee range if you wanted. The only class that had a penalty for that, had the penalty removed a VERY long time ago.

All rDPS could play in melee range if they wanted and do THE EXACT SAME amount of DPS. They simply choose not to … because the ability to actually SEE WTF IS GOING ON is important and it’s something mDPS have to sacrifice.

There is an incredibly disproportionate amount of mechanics that happen at melee range, it all creates MASSIVE amount of screen clutter, and it’s not that any of those mechanics are inherently difficult, it’s just that YOU CAN’T SEE WHAT IS GOING ON in melee range.

But you can at a distance. And that’s why every rDPS MAKES THE CHOICE to stay at a distance.

It’s a CHOICE and EVERY rDPS makes that choice-- because it’s easier and better. Otherwise, you’d choose a rDPS CLASS… but play that class in melee RANGE. No one does that, because it’s INCREDIBLY harder.


Different strokes for different folks, variety is the spice of life and I don’t know what the hell is going on above me but yeah.

Or was there something wrong here?

If you claim to be as good with any class, that either means you lying, or you are not good with any.

If you really know how to play a class in all its details, and you have the “metaprograms” to execute moves by heart in split second decisions, you will not be able to simple “change your brain” to play a different class.

If your idea of playing all classes “very well” means you have for example a bind to X, and in each class is one thing, but every time a situation arises you press X, no matter which class, you dont really know how to play that class.

The same goes for playing “every class well” relying on DBM, and other crap that is already telling you dont play any that well.

Some guys like to cite streamers, some of them play without even a UI. And they are not the “best in town”. Imagine how “good” is someone who need even a “special” UI warning.