What melee dps class that also has an available tank spec and has the best/most abilities to help peel for a ranged dps?
My friend enjoys playing melee that offer a lot of cc / ability to peel. but he also wants the class to have a tank spec for m+
I was thinking feral? maybe dk?
Ring of peace has varying uses against ranged or melee, has a “ranged” disarm and paralysis, transcendence is good for leg sweep swapping / general bouncing around.
DK is strong but in bgs due to mobility being longer cds than other melee you have to commit, so unlike the others you can’t extend as far if you’re worried about peeling, whereas something like survival can dive 60 yards, cc a backline push, disengage, hawk pump damage, and throw traps to protect his own team. Meanwhile the dk will be stuck in the center of the fight, the only thing that rectifies this is if you go void elf(unless you’re considering having consistent leap/dragon pickup, evoker/dk is pretty interesting) as rift can make some big plays given deathgrip/frostwyrm. Rift completely changes the way you play as a deathknight in larger fights.
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DK probably the best option… but, prot warriors are very good with peels as well if you just want to kill two birds with one stones.
How has anyone not said paladin yet?
Prot/ret have offheals, bops, freedoms, sanc…
Easily the best melee for peels.
I think, bc while those are all good abilities to help someone survive, theyre not considered peels. I.e. cc
I’m not sure what you mean by peels then? Like a bop to let a ranged completely free? Or freedom to kite? I can’t think of a better support for a ranged/healer
Dk without a doubt.
Double grip and a 70% slow combined with ranged mobility = your never touching the ranged.
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this will sound like a very strange suggestion but as someone who used to play feral a lot, I’d say feral is not the worst at peeling
you see, you have:
- A bunch of stuns
- A spammable, built-in slow (infected wounds)
- Instant roots or instant heals
- Cyclone
Now, the question is: Is it better than DK/Monk/Paladin/Other options in this thread? I think that possibly yes
You see, the thing with Monk is that statistically brewmaster is not the best for M+. I have played M+ this season as BRM and did a little bit on alt tanks and watched others’ guides when I was clearing 10s and it’s just not as smooth, I wasn’t even getting invites and I doubt things would change now
In contrast, Guardian is decent right now and has been decent for a while
Ferals are also good for BGs with being able to kill FCs, grab flags and get nodes with stealth
Added note: DKs, monks and paladins aren’t exactly classes that have “a lot of CC”, especially monk, in comparison to druid specially.
The choice here is likely between feral or ret, but if they didn’t mention ret then feral is the way to go
Also, feral is compatible with pretty much all ranged DPS for arenas and a typical choice for caster+melee comps, and also good with hunter with jungle
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