Melee and 100000 ccs need attention!

its insane each bg just had melee rushing in ccing and cleaving the whole team. Things are insane.

It’s true, and it’s a problem. It’s why hard casting classes don’t see much play.

On the other hand though, playing a melee and having to get near someone to take part in the fight leaves you open as well. Often times you’re half hp before you even get close enough to attack. Particularly in a BG.

Eating the 200k rapid fire during a flying serpent kick to get near a hunter isn’t precisely a great time either. Was also hit by a 197k arcane blast followed by a 140k arcane barrage in the same global, from downtown.

Everything has it’s upsides and downsides, the forums are just full of single viewpoints.

They give ranged mobility, self heals, and instant cc

Melee gets gap closers

it’s how it be

i’m just here to read all of the (post’s deleted by author):popcorn:

1v1 caster vs melee sucks. Juking is way more difficult than interrupting.

In a BG though it’s balanced. If a caster is getting face sat by a bunch of melee it’s because they messed up positioning or their team is just bad and getting steamrolled, not really a balance issue. Likewise if the team has half a brain they’ll dogpile a melee who jumps on the backline

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lol playing a melee against 2-3 casters/hunters is immeasurably worse than the opposite


What? You mean melee can’t target 3 casters at 40y each? PFFFFT

Joking aside my worst encounters are always like 5 melee on me.

Joking aside my worst encounters are always like 5 ranged on me.

When you get zerged it sucks - no matter who is on you.

You think kick chains are bad? Imagine multiple silences, ranged stuns, ranged slows, etc - same thing.

BGs you’re going to get zerged. No way to avoid it no matter how OP you are. You get 3 guys that know how to play and you’re better off not fretting because it’s going to be over quick and you won’t be able to push buttons. Doesn’t matter if ranged or melee if you get stuck in a CC chain you’re going to get stomped.

Imagine ever saying “Except Shaman” when talking about how frail you feel rofl. Shamans are pure fodder right now. A single warrior gets on you and it’s over. KNock them back? Infinite mobility. New spear of bastion ripoff totem? Oh they’re immune to that because lolfury. Try to cast? Hah kick. You juke them? Hah stun.

Literally the only thing a Sham can do with a melee on them is toss a flame shock up and sit ghost wolf until a proc pops up. Maybe spam frost shock for 5k a pop if they get bored. BGs are a blast, but if something so much as looks at you (which they will, Shamans are #1 prio kill targets, always have been) then you’re useless.

Sounds like something I did the other day lol. But on the flip side being Fully geared with vers and getting flamed shocked for 160k is way funnier not to mention the 5 ccs shammys seem to have.

Flame… Shock? For 160k? I don’t think it can even get close to that even with zerking+max kotmogu stacks…

i literally got hit with 6 stuns in a row on my evoker. rendering me unable to even attempt to escape. went from full health to dead. melee classes are a bit… excessive… right now to say the least

Any 1000+ rated melee knows they can kill a warlock in 5 secs outside of dark pact if the warlock gets no peels, just like how a pally dies immediately after they divine shield. Melee for the last 6 years have had it god mode.

Oh that’s okay, you can just do your normal rotation and get soul siphon shields for 500% of your life. Oh, my condolences, it was nerfed recently. 250%.

Id argue arena rating shaming a caster for complainng about melee in the battleground forums is a little bit of a misrepresentation of the data.

Yes, learning to play will always be worth considering. But i dont think its unrealistic to say “hardcasting spells in the current pvp meta doesnt feel rewarding for the effort involved.”

Imo melee mobility is way too high for one thing.

Edit: im not defending the state of warlocks.

Hi there EXPERT, can you teach me on good pvper person you?

I’ve got 7 melee’s on me. getting chain stunned, kicked, im slowed, can’t run away.

What buttons should I be pressing

Then you just jump and fly right to him then smash his face.

Into the middle of the team? No, that’s a death sentence. :dracthyr_hehe_animated: A lot of melee follow and die when I’m playing my little Warlock, though, and it’s always a hoot.

Health is a resource and if I can bait 500k damage into me safely then I’ll do that to keep allies safe.

Did you miss the part where im sympathetic to casters and saying not to shame them for complaining?

Where i said “Yes learning to play is worth considering” Im saying that while its good to point out that some problems are as simple as “get good,” casters complaining about it not being fun to play into current melee have a valid complaint.

Fairly true. The mobility of most melee is excellent.

I say most since I’m leveling a prot Pally on the side (laugh it up, everyone, I think it’s fun to tank on him, I know ppal is not super) and I find Steed absurdly laughable. Dude has no real go-to, IMO.

On my warrior, though, the charges and leap feel so good to use combined with slowing things down. Kinda wish Pally had some more mobility like that.

When I get a Warrior on me there’s almost nothing I can do to escape - having said that - I don’t think mobility should be removed, instead it should be a tradeoff with other abilities or use more resources while in combat. Trade big numbers for big mobility.

That said as a casual SPriest I’m well aware we are also in need of a bit of numbers tuning though I will say it is a rollercoaster of “yay procs” and “well I got nothing, time to focus on staying alive”.

“You don’t know how to play”, isn’t helping someone get better.